С начала пандемии COVID-19 конфликты между религиозной свободой и правилами общественного здравоохранения разыгрываются в судах по всему миру
Superfoods are not a new concept that came to us from the West about 10 years ago.
Capital truth, it would seem, is true? But if you ask people: "What do you mean by a healthy diet?", everyone will answer Oh, how differently.
Позитивті психикалық көзқарасты қалай дамытуға болады?
Коллаген толымды, сау теріге өте қажет, сол себепті бұл бізге бәрімізге қажет.
Бодрствование на протяжении всей ночи повышает активность мозга в областях, отвечающих за чувство тревоги
Capital truth, it would seem, is true? But if you ask people: "What do you mean by a healthy diet?", everyone will answer Oh, how differently.
Today, the world is increasingly talking about the consequences of an unhealthy diet for human health, especially for the health of children.
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