Superfoods for weight loss and healthy lifestyle

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODЗдоровье 28-сен-2020, 09:21 0 328
Superfoods are not a new concept that came to us from the West about 10 years ago. A rare follower of a healthy lifestyle has not heard about the benefits of Superfoods for weight loss, and products such as spirulina, quinoa, Chia seeds and others are heard by almost everyone. The term Superfoods is usually understood as products of plant origin that have a large set of useful properties for human health. Note that various supplements developed in laboratories that are synthetic products are not considered Superfoods.
Due to the foreign origin of this term, Superfoods usually include imported products, which, by the way, are quite expensive. And here we should note a few facts:
so far, all experiments to identify the beneficial effects of these Superfoods on the body are conducted only in mice, and there are no results of research on their effect on the human body yet;
these imported Superfoods (for example, Goji berries or acai) are consumed by the peoples of the countries from which they are brought from time immemorial, and for the body of these people, this food is familiar. However, there is no guarantee that these products will be absorbed as well by the body of a Western person.
Superfoods are often advertised as a means to quickly lose weight, but Superfoods for weight loss are an advertising move to raise sales. These products should not be considered as a complete food, but rather as a "bonus" to a basic balanced diet. Also, do not forget that they can cause allergic reactions or be rejected by the gastrointestinal tract.
Therefore, before you take Superfoods, you should understand the benefits of Superfoods, carefully and gradually, without succumbing to the illusion of the beneficial properties of Superfoods that can solve all health problems.
So, Superfoods — what are these amazing products that have such useful properties for our body?
Goji berry
Acai berries
Chia seeds
Cocoa bean
Let's take a closer look at all the benefits and harms of the most famous Superfoods for human nutrition and learn how to take Superfoods and how to use them to preserve health, youth and beauty.
Goji berries or Chinese barberry
Goji berries are red berries very similar to hard raisins, they are grown in China, Mongolia, Eastern Turkmenistan, and can also be found in Tibet. These berries are known for their anti-aging and tonic properties, help to normalize metabolism, increase immunity and reduce blood sugar. Chinese barberry has an anti-cellulite effect on human skin due to increased blood circulation and lymph flow.
One tablespoon contains 1 gram of protein, 36% of the daily value of vitamin A, and only 18 calories. Berries are also very rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, omega-6 and omega-9 acids and trace elements such as iron, zinc, calcium and phosphorus.
Goji can be added to smoothies, salads, cereals, yogurts, and also brewed as a drink. However, it is recommended to use no more than 10 berries a day, because they have a strong tonic effect.
Acai berries
These berries are very similar in their useful qualities to Goji berries and share the podium with them. They grow in the Northern part of South America and are called "berry of beauty" due to their useful properties. These berries became known to scientists only recently, in 2006, during an expedition to the Amazon rainforest. Scientists noticed that older natives have good physical shape and endurance, and as it turned out, the fault was small berries of dark purple color, which the natives use regularly.
Acai berries are 60% higher in antioxidant content than pomegranates, boost the immune system, speed up metabolism and slow down the aging process. It is useful to use acai for people suffering from diabetes, as they normalize the blood sugar content. In addition, berries help to control excess weight because they are perfectly saturated and at the same time are low-calorie. They also contain a large amount of amino acids and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (their content in several berries exceeds the amount contained in several fruits).
Chia seeds
These seeds are also native to South America and were discovered by the Aztecs and Mayans. Superfood Chia seeds are a source of linolenic acid (omega-3) and in this concentration it is not found anywhere else in nature. Such a high content of this acid has a positive effect on the recovery processes of the skin, eliminates dry skin and makes it elastic.This superfood is ahead of the above-mentioned berries and blueberries in terms of antioxidant content. In addition, Chia contains 5 times more calcium than milk, and they are also a source of zinc, potassium, magnesium and iron — substances that protect our health and beauty.
Magnesium is important for regulating the level of moisture in our body's cells. Zinc promotes rapid wound healing and improves the condition of the hair. These wonderful seeds consist of a quarter of fiber, so they normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Chia is used as a substitute for eggs because of their ability to swell on contact with liquid and release gluten and is used in vegetarian and vegan desserts, puddings and jelly.
Superfood Spirulina is a blue — green microalgae that is most often sold in dry form. It can be added to drinks, smoothies, salads. The unique biochemical composition of spirulina contains the secrets of eternal youth, health and beauty. This algae consists of 70% protein, is rich in vitamin B12, iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and contains all essential amino acids. In addition, this green superfood contains gamma-linoleic acid, which is found in breast milk.
Currently, there are even entire farms for growing this miracle algae. It rightfully belongs to Superfoods, as it helps to reduce excess weight, rejuvenate the skin, improve metabolism, remove heavy metals, slags and toxins, and also eliminates the feeling of hunger. However, despite all the positive properties of this superfood, people with thyroid disorders should use it with caution.
Superfood Quinoa is a grain crop native to America, it is rich in protein, carbohydrates and does not contain gluten. This plant has not been modified and has come down to us in its original form, which increases its value. Quinoa contains lysine, which is involved in the repair of damaged tissues. The high content of iron and Riboflavin in quinoa improves skin elasticity and helps fight wrinkles that have already appeared, as well as prevents the appearance of new ones.
In addition, regular consumption of quinoa reduces the likelihood of age spots. And the polyphenols that make up quinoa neutralize free radicals, thus suspending the degenerative processes of skin aging. Thus, quinoa is another superfood that allows us to preserve our health and beauty.
Cocoa bean
Cocoa beans can be safely attributed to super products, since it contains more than 300 substances. This unique composition allows cocoa to improve not only your health, but also your mood. This superfood contains a large amount of antioxidants that prolong the youth of our cells and promote their regeneration. Phenyl ethylamine, serotonin, anandamide, theobromine, dopamine — cause a surge of strength and a positive attitude. And the minerals that make up cocoa beans will make your hair and nails healthy.
Undoubtedly, including in your diet and enriching it with delicious and natural Superfoods is an excellent solution that will improve your health and well — being, prolong your youth and live a full and fulfilled life. However, do not forget that these undoubtedly wonderful products are useful when used in moderation and taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.
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