Eating healthy is great!

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODЗдоровье 25-сен-2020, 16:39 0 267
Capital truth, it would seem, is true? But if you ask people: "What do you mean by a healthy diet?", everyone will answer Oh, how differently.
Let's understand: what kind of animal is this, "proper eating behavior", how should our diet differ from the diet of our grandparents, and how to actually eat right?
We eat delicious and correctly
The first fact about proper nutrition is obvious.
With technological progress, the physical activity of a significant part of the population has significantly decreased, especially in developed countries. And, of course, with reduced energy consumption, our food should become less caloric, contain less carbohydrates and fats. Otherwise, excess body weight increases, and numerous diseases appear.
But here's the thing: you can't just cut down on the number of calories a day, because then the body will receive less vital components - vitamins, Bioelements, amino acids. The lack of these substances in the body also leads to health disorders – the development of hypovitaminosis, hypoelementosis, various diseases.
That is why it is harmful to eat "as it turns out" - the diet should be determined by our needs, and the lack of any substances should be filled without fail. (For example, in recent decades, so – called functional foods have been developed and marketed-they contain high doses of biologically active components).
The second fact about proper nutrition is amazing.
Most likely, this is familiar to many girls: you count-you count calories, but you can't put your figure in order. The fact is that even if the total energy value of food (the number of calories) corresponds to the needs of the body, it is likely that the ratio of the content of individual food substances is disturbed; such a diet is called unbalanced.
It is necessary to balance the intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and ballast substances. A person does not need any products, but a certain ratio of the food substances contained in them.
The third fact about proper nutrition, all about "I don't eat after 6".
In part, the proponents of this principle are right, but not in everything. In General, a proper diet includes regular and optimal distribution of food throughout the day. Numerous observations confirm that the most useful mode for a person is one in which at Breakfast and lunch he gets more than 2/3 of the total number of calories in the daily diet, and at dinner less than 1/3
The fourth fact about proper nutrition, the harm and benefits of sugar.
Sugar is often referred to as "harmful" products , forgetting that it is one of the main "suppliers" of energy for the body. In fact, it is not sugar that is harmful, but its abuse. Normal (and safe for your figure) average daily sugar intake can be from 50 to 100 g per day.
The fifth fact about proper nutrition, about the unexpected properties of tea.
Tea contains tannins, tannins that have a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect against microbes such as staphylococci, dysentery, typhoid, paratyphoid and other sticks. Tea tannins help to remove heavy metals from the body: lead, cadmium, mercury, zinc, etc.
The main thing is to choose the right time for a tea break. Foods rich in tannins should be consumed on an empty stomach or in between meals, otherwise they bind to food proteins and do not reach the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. (How can I not remember the English "five-o-clock"!)
And here, by the way, and a good memo on different varieties of tea:
What is the most useful tea?
The sixth fact about proper nutrition, summing up.
Who is most often exposed to metabolic disorders associated with the content of chemical elements in the body? Unfortunately, these are very large population groups:
children and adolescents in the period of intensive growth;
pregnant and lactating women,
those who suffer from chronic diseases of the digestive system (including intestinal dysbiosis);
those who suffer from diseases of the endocrine system;
those who uncontrollably "sit down" on diets or eat poorly, abuse alcohol.
And if you find yourself in the "risk" group, then maybe it's time to review your menu, and make sure that you eat right? ;-)
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