Новые исследования показывают, что ваша красота зависит от того, как много вы делаете или не делаете.
Aina Hamet is a journalist. Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi KazNU. In the field of media since 2008. She worked in the news on the "Almaty" and "Seventh Channel" TV channels, on the leading information sites of Kazakhstan. He specializes in topics related to medicine, politics, the judiciary and society.
Aina Hamet is a journalist. Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi KazNU. In the field of media since 2008. She worked in the news on the "Almaty" and "Seventh Channel" TV channels, on the leading information sites of Kazakhstan. He specializes in topics related to medicine, politics, the judiciary and society.
Позвольте угадать: вы чувствуете себя не важно
What does a person need for a happy, carefree, bright and long life? Of course, health. In Europe, people in retirement are only getting more active, now they have free time to travel, and they are quietly enjoying life. And how can you enjoy it if your health is not the same? If the General condition is already so bad that you don't want anything in life.
Proper nutrition is an essential component of beauty and health, which will help you not only maintain excellent physical shape, but also give you additional lightness and a huge boost of energy for the whole day.
С дәрумені - бұл ең танымал микроэлементтердің бірі, иммунитетті күшейтетін және энергия, белсенділік пен бақыт көзі ретінде маңызды рөл атқарады.
Денсаулыққа пайдалы тамақтану денеге де, ақылға да пайдалы.