Where to get tested for coronavirus in Almaty, Nur-Sultan and other cities? How do I apply for a free test?

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODЗдоровье 19-сен-2020, 23:22 0 224

Article author

  Aina Hamet is a journalist. Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi KazNU. In the field of media since 2008. She worked in the news on the "Almaty" and "Seventh Channel" TV channels, on the leading information sites of Kazakhstan. He specializes in topics related to medicine, politics, the judiciary and society.

What is known about COVID-19 testing today?

  There are two types of testing: rapid tests and PCR tests (PCR - Polymerase Chain Reaction).

  A rapid test is not used to diagnose coronavirus infection. The rapid test does not detect a virus in the body, but only assesses the response of the immune system, that is, antibodies to the virus. For an express test, blood is taken from a finger. The result can be obtained within 15 minutes. According to the Ministry of Health, the reliability of rapid tests does not exceed 90%, therefore, up to 10% of cases can be both false-positive and false-negative.

  As the chief state sanitary doctor of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aizhan Esmagambetova reported on April 6, 96 thousand express tests have already been delivered to the republic. First of all, express testing will be carried out in Nur-Sultan and Almaty. It is planned to conduct an average of 500 to 1000 tests per day.

  In the near future, the Olimp Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratories will begin to conduct express testing of risk groups for coronavirus infection (CVI), free of charge. These rapid tests were purchased with sponsorship from the Birgemiz Foundation

  PCR tests are used to accurately determine coronavirus infection in Kazakhstan. In this case, a throat swab and blood from a vein are taken. It takes up to six hours to get the result. This option is the most reliable and is used all over the world.

  They are not yet available in private laboratories - neither paid nor free. For example, in Almaty, PCR tests are done only on the basis of three accredited laboratories: the National Center for Expertise, the Kazakh Scientific Center for Especially Dangerous Infections named after Masgut Aikimbaev and the Scientific and Practical Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Expertise and Monitoring. It's free. But you cannot go there on your own.

  If a person has a suspicion of COVID-19, doctors transport him to the hospital in an ambulance, take tests there and send him to these laboratories for research.

Who needs a rapid test?

  First of all, the examination is shown to ambulance medical workers, clinics, hospitals, where patients with suspected coronavirus infection apply and are admitted. Testing will also be performed on patients from risk groups: people with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory system and the elderly.

  Rapid tests are also indicated for those who had symptoms of acute respiratory illness (flu) or pneumonia between February and March 2020.

  Testing for coronavirus will take place at strictly designated sampling points for biomaterials, where other tests are not accepted.

Do people who have been ill develop immunity against coronavirus?

 “There is a general consensus that immunity is developed against coronavirus infection. Now it is difficult to say how long-term, short-term or long-term it is. But all experts, primarily from China, who first encountered this epidemic, say that there is no reinfection as such, ”said Baurzhan Zhusupov, deputy head of the Ministry of Health's headquarters for COVID-19.

  Recently it became known that the specialists of the M. Aikimbaev National Scientific Center for Especially Dangerous Infections and the National Center for Biotechnology have developed their own diagnostic test systems for determining the COVID-19 coronavirus, which meet all established international standards. These test systems will be used in Kazakhstani hospitals.

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