Medicine and health

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODЗдоровье 17-сен-2020, 22:57 0 252
9 reasons why memory and attention fail.

If you are constantly looking for apartment keys, do not remember important things and miss appointments, then it's time to deal with this "forgetfulness". Especially if it manifests itself on a daily basis and seriously interferes with both your personal life and career. Why does memory loss occur and in what cases do I need to see a doctor?

Memory is a complex and unexplored mechanism

Human memory is a very complex mechanism that allows us to perceive information, process it, and store it in the brain. And if necessary, reproduce knowledge. A person is born with this ability. At the same time, memory can be improved with regular training. The opposite is also possible. Some negative factors can cause a significant decrease in attention in a person and memory loss.

Attention is the same cognitive process as memory, which is associated with focusing on a particular phenomenon, event, or object.
Перевод: Лебедева Милана 

If you look into the brain…

From a biochemical point of view, memory is a set of neurochemical reactions in the Central nervous system. A person perceives the entire world around them through various receptors (auditory, visual, tactile, etc.). the Received information is transformed into electrical impulses. These signals are sent to the brain. This is where the information is stored.

Remember a variety of facts and events, sometimes even minor. At the same time, all information accompanied by vivid images and emotions is recorded much better. Another interesting feature of human memory is the ability to Supplement events with your own impressions, conclusions, and emotions. That is, the information received is not restored in a mirror image (as a computer will do), but rather changed.

Where is the information stored?

Until today, scientists can't say exactly how the brain stores information. There are many theories. But none of them found scientific confirmation. Some scientists believe that information is "recorded" in the neural chain (neurons are brain cells that are connected using the corresponding chains).

Memory loss: 9 main causes

Many people complain about memory loss. Most often, such violations are observed in those who are older than 60 years. However, unpleasant symptoms can also occur in youth.

Not to be confused with ordinary forgetfulness with functional memory disorder. These are different concepts. Forgetfulness is characteristic of many people. It appears from time to time, not regularly. You can talk about a decrease in attention if a person remembers the events of the past years perfectly, but can't remember what happened yesterday or what happened now.

Memory loss and attention loss can occur due to the following reasons.

Atherosclerosis of the brain vessels

This pathology is usually associated with age-related changes. The condition of the vessels worsens. The walls lose their elasticity. They begin to form atherosclerotic plaques. This all significantly worsens the blood supply to the brain.

Memory loss is not the only symptom that is characteristic of the development of atherosclerosis. If such a violation occurs, complaints аbout:

· reduced attention;

· headache;

· high irritability;

· constant fatigue.

Head injury

Speaking about the causes of memory loss at a young age, it should be said about injuries. Most people don't take them seriously. Having received a head injury, they do not attach much importance to it and do not seek help from doctors. And this can lead to quite unpleasant consequences in the future. Sometimes even fatal.

Severe injuries can cause:

· memory degradation;

· headache;

· dizzinesses;

· amnesia (both partial and complete);

· hallucinations;

· confabulations (false memories).

Unpleasant symptoms usually occur immediately after injury. But sometimes the signs of a memory disorder may appear much later.


This disease has an extremely negative effect on the condition of blood vessels. The blood becomes viscous due to the increased glucose content. The walls of large vessels thicken, and small capillaries completely overlap. Such disorders significantly impair blood flow to the brain. Memory begins to deteriorate, attention decreases.

Thyroid gland pathology

If a person's memory begins to fail, he remembers events poorly, then it is necessary to pay attention to the work of the thyroid gland. If it synthesizes an insufficient amount of hormones (hypothyroidism), then the unfortunate person may develop a whole "bouquet" of unpleasant symptoms. Most often, we are talking about the following signs:

· memory loss;

· unexplained weight gain (while the appetite remains the same);

· apathy;

· excessive irritability;

· puffiness;

· weakness in the muscles.

Sometimes other endocrine disorders can also worsen memory. Failures in the adrenal glands or the reproductive system can lead to an unpleasant condition.

Stress, depression

Reduced attention and memory loss can be caused by excessive exhaustion of the nervous system. This condition is usually caused by:

· lingering stresses;

· long-term overwork;

· chronic lack of sleep;

· depression

In this situation, the brain simply can not cope with the loads and begins to "slow down". The stronger and longer the stress, the more actively the brain blocks the "memory-recovery" process.

This is the safest reason for memory loss. Such a disorder can be easily (of course, if we are not talking about severe depression) eliminate yourself. To do this, you need to give the body a rest, establish sleep and protect yourself as much as possible from sources of stress.


Memory and attention disorders are characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. And at the initial stage, such a violation appears only occasionally. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the strange symptom as soon as possible.

Degenerative brain disease (this is how Alzheimer's disease is characterized) gradually reduces not only memory, but also intellectual abilities of a person.

The initial stage of the disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

a person forgets recently received information;

if you go somewhere, such as to a store, it is lost in the area;

the unfortunate person forgets important dates, sometimes even events;

he loses the skills to use familiar objects (phone, driving).

Unfortunately, the disease remains incurable to this day. However, with proper therapy at an early stage, it is possible to achieve a mild course of the disease.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin takes part in the production of certain amino acids. The latter, through complex transformations, have a positive impact on a person's ability to concentrate and improve memory.

Lack of B12 is usually manifested by the following symptoms:

· anemia;

· dizziness;

· weakness;

· tinnitus;

· tingling in the extremities;

· the feeling of "running goosebumps" on the skin;

· high irritability;

· tendency to depressive behavior;

· the loss of memory.

What should I do if I persistently worry about the question: why am I so bad at remembering? The first rule is to consult a doctor, especially if the memory disorder is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms. Only a specialist can determine whether we are talking about stress, lack of vitamins or the development of a serious illness.

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