Secrets of healthy eating

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODЗдоровье 29-сен-2020, 20:48 0 252

Organizing a proper, healthy, balanced diet is a task that, unfortunately, is beyond many people's control today. But there is a way to solve it – use the services of companies that organize the delivery of ready-made, balanced food to the office or home, and such a company is GrowFood.

How to eat right?

healthy eating your body is a reflection of what we eat, and our health, well – being, performance, and even mood in most cases depend on the food we eat. First of all, we need healthy, healthy food, natural and balanced by BZHU, and changes in the body for the better will not take long to wait.


What are the secrets of a healthy diet worth knowing and applying in practice? In principle, what will be discussed later can hardly be called secrets. These are most likely good recommendations based on scientific research, following which you will provide your body with everything necessary to ensure and maintain the processes of life.


Replace synthetic products and preservatives with natural food, abandon semi-finished products, hermetically Packed products, food of questionable quality and origin.

You can not completely exclude sweets from the diet. But they can be replaced with healthy desserts that will lift your mood and do not disrupt the amount of carbohydrates entering the body, do not harm the figure.

Review the methods of cooking, giving preference to cooking, baking, stewing, and, if possible, refusing to fry in oil.

Vegetables and fruits are an inexhaustible source of vitamins and nutrients, so their volume in the daily diet of a person should be sufficient.

Balanced meals according to BZHU, taking into account the calorie content, focusing on the personal lifestyle and the amount of energy spent per day.

The daily menu should be balanced, varied!, and take into account the characteristics of your body – weight, height, age, gender, and others.

Secrets of healthy nutrition, embodied in reality, and applied to each person individually, allow you to supply the body with the necessary, useful components, contribute to the normalization and maintenance of metabolic processes. And this, in turn, is reflected in the well-being and appearance of a person, their performance and work productivity.


Thus, by reviewing your diet, changing your diet, each person will be able to improve their health and achieve certain goals. Someone, for example, needs to reduce weight, someone, on the contrary, increase it by building muscle mass. So, in the first case, it is necessary to reduce the caloric content of food and increase energy consumption, review the ratio of BZHU, doing sports. In the second case, it is more rational to increase the calorage of food consumed, as well as the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, and at the same time, change the system of training and physical activity.


GrowFood company not only tells the secrets of healthy nutrition, but also offers its services in the field of delivery of balanced nutrition, in various versions, for different categories of the population and different tasks put forward to nutrition.

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