Proper and healthy nutrition. Recommendations, proper nutrition and the most useful gluten-free products

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODЗдоровье 21-сен-2020, 18:38 0 223

The fact that proper nutrition is necessary to maintain health (PP nutrition), today a lot of talk and write. A healthy diet allows you to provide the body with the necessary nutrients, vitamins, trace elements, and biologically active substances that are necessary for the productive work of your body. A well-chosen diet will allow you to be energetic and full of energy.


Research shows that proper nutrition reduces the risk of developing many diseases, slows down the aging process, and keeps a person's physical and cognitive potential at a high level for longer.


What should be the menu of proper nutrition? And what are the most useful products should be present in the diet?


In order to eat a balanced diet, you need to know the basics of proper nutrition. We want to share with you the recommendations for proper nutrition of the famous German gastroenterologist Dr. albert Aimiller.


Recommendations for a healthy diet

Proper nutrition recommendations first of all, the diet should include the necessary amount of liquid-2.5-3 liters per day. Preferably, it should be water and other soft drinks with low calories and sugar (tea, coffee).

Proper nutrition for health is impossible without a sufficient amount of vegetables (at least 400 gr. for 2-3 or more servings per day)

Fresh vegetables, including unheated raw vegetables, are an important source of vitamins, minerals, secondary plant matter, and fiber.

It is recommended to eat 2-3 eggs a day. Eggs are an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids (if the chickens are grazing in the meadow), as well as choline, it is recommended to eat 2-3 eggs a day.

If you have a healthy diet, the menu should include fruit (at least 300 g per day)

Fresh fruits, as well as dried fruits, are an excellent source of many vitamins, minerals, secondary plant substances and fiber.

proper nutrition of vegetables however, many people have complaints when using fruit sugar in large quantities, so fruit should always be taken in small portions!

Eat fruit in the form that nature suggests, not in the form of juices – since in this case, fruit sugar is located outside the cellular structures that must first be digested to release sugar. In this case, you use fruit sugar in high concentrations. The result is a high level of glycation of important proteins – including in the brain. But these end products of glycation (AGE) interfere with normal functioning. Smoothies also contain a large amount of free sugar, as this destroys cellular structures.

Cereals and potatoes should be included in the diet of proper nutrition (about 2-3 meals a day).

In essence, grain is a source of carbohydrates as well as a source of protein. To do this, you need to avoid grains with harmful effects.

These include:

- gluten content

- the content of agglutinin from wheat germ, which, in particular, is found in wheat, rye and barley.

It is best to use flour products, pastries and muesli from pseudo-cereals, such as buckwheat. The "pseudo-cereal varieties" recommended as a substitute for so-called gluten-containing cereals are listed in the lists below.

Cereals provide the body with complex carbohydrates, fiber, and secondary plant substances, and are also an important source of vitamins (primarily b vitamins) and minerals (such as iron, zinc, and magnesium). Potatoes, among other things, contain vitamin C, potassium and magnesium, while it is also recommended to use Jerusalem artichoke or sweet potatoes.

Healthy nutrition includes protein-rich plant-based meals proper nutrition legumes(for example, peas, beans, Turkish peas, lentils) and other meat alternatives (50-150 g of protein per day), legumes contain fiber, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium and iron, as well as secondary plant substances.

Nuts and seeds are also foods for proper nutrition (30-60 g per day). Nuts and seeds contain high-quality natural fatty acids. Especially recommended along with walnuts are flax seeds, hemp seeds, and Chia seeds. They contain high-quality protein, folate, vitamin E, secondary plant substances and many minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc, and especially healthy fatty acids. Flaxseed oil, for example, contains 50% of the important omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid.

If you choose the right food, the menu should include vegetable fats (2-4 tablespoons per day). They are important for providing natural fatty acids, as well as for consuming fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K). It is recommended to use natural vegetable oils rich in alpha-linolenic acid (mainly linseed and rapeseed oil).

Since we are talking about oils with a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids-with a high content of omega-3 fatty acids, it is necessary to take into account that they are stored for a short time. Therefore, they should always be stored in dark glass bottles, always buy small portions, store in the refrigerator and do not put in the sun.

Low-fat varieties of red meat 1-2 times a week, white meat 1-2 times a week, fish (herring, salmon, trout, pike perch) 4-5 times a week as a source of high-quality protein.

It is also important to know, for those who choose the right diet, the foods that should be avoided: dry snacks, alcoholic beverages and sweets, wheat and rye products.The most useful products for proper nutrition. Menu and diet

Above, we have described the rules of proper nutrition with an indication of the most useful foods that should be present in your menu every day. Now we want to focus on gluten-free food.


Gluten is a protein that is present in many cereals. Its use can have a negative effect on the functioning of our body, primarily on the state of the gastrointestinal tract. Proper nutrition without gluten is possible and even recommended for many patients who go to gastroenterological clinics in Germany. Gluten-free food is better tolerated, while it can be completely complete and balanced.


Gluten free products list

proper nutrition without glutenated grains without gluten:

Amaranth: millet-like amaranth, used already in the time of the Incas, Mayans, Aztecs; flour and grains are often used for making pancakes and bread substitutes.

Buckwheat: buckwheat seeds that have a bittersweet taste.

Use of grains as muesli, flour for pancakes and bread substitutes.

Quinoa: amaranth, high in protein, magnesium, and iron; used as a side dish (like rice) or in muesli.

Hemp (hemp seeds): cannabis as a food product is still (relatively) new, as information about its nutritional value differs. It is established that we are talking about a very rich food product. Hemp contains not only all natural, but also all known amino acids – in the amount of 30%. In addition, it contains large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, as well as omega-6 and omega-3. Namely, in a favorable ratio of 3: 1.

Gluten-free cereals:

Millet: gluten-free cereal with a high mineral content; often used as a side dish (like rice) and for baking.

Corn: a gluten-free cereal originating from Mexico; very low in the natural amino acid tryptophan, so care must be taken when using it in food.

Rice: gluten-free cereal, which is one of the most important varieties of cereals.

TEF: gluten-free cereal from Ethiopia; very rich in minerals, good baking qualities.

Gluten-free products: gluten-free plants with starch

Guar: legumes; leaves and fresh beans are eaten as vegetables; the seeds produce guar flour, used as a thickener.

Carob: legumes; fruit pulp (carob) serves as a substitute for cocoa; carob flour is produced from the seeds, which is used as a thickener.

Potatoes: nightshade; starch-rich tubers are used as a side dish, potato flour is used for baking.

Chestnuts: beech; chestnut flour is primarily used in France and Italy for cooking and baking.

Cassava root: the starch of their dried cassava root is used as tapioca starch for cooking (West Africa, South Asia), such as desserts.

proper nutrition recommendations ration using this list, you can choose gluten-free products for your menu and create a complete diet.


Choosing the right nutrition, the principles of which you already know, you optimize the body's work, give it enough building materials and energy.


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