Basics of proper nutrition

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODЗдоровье 21-сен-2020, 18:36 0 232

In Europe, people in retirement are only getting more active, now they have free time to travel, and they are quietly enjoying life. And how can you enjoy it if your health is not the same? If the General condition is already so bad that you don't want anything in life.


And in order for a person not to lose their health, they must meet the requirements of a proper lifestyle: their diet should include healthy food, and they must allocate time for physical activity every day.

In a world of constant stress, a person finds comfort and pleasure in delicious food, but it is not always truly delicious. Because of the many sweeteners and flavor enhancers added to all foods, people have already forgotten what simple but delicious food is.

All food that is created with the help of man, and not by nature, can not be useful. All sorts of chips, sweet water, crackers, instant noodles are generally difficult to call food. They consist of solid chemicals, and food is not in them.

During a bad mood, you always want to treat yourself to sweets. This is a natural desire, it has been with a person since childhood, because mother's milk tastes sweet. But all those sweets that a person uses in adulthood, can not be compared with mother's milk.

They contain such amounts of sugar that with low physical activity, it can easily be deposited in adipose tissues. And obesity is a sure path to type 2 diabetes. The shocking fact is that this disease is already becoming a child's disease, because obesity in children is no longer uncommon.

For an adequate variety of healthy food, a person needs to eat fruits, something dairy or meat, vegetables and grain products.

Fruits and vegetables are sources of vitamins, and they are able to provide the intestines with normal peristalsis. Meat and dairy products fill the body with protein. And grain products are a good source of carbohydrates that will saturate a person with energy.

It is important not to forget to drink water, the norm for a person is two liters a day. It is preferable that it was plain water-not boiled. Because a person who drinks tea or sweet water will only add work to their body. After all, these drinks will still have to be turned into water by the digestive organs.

Further, the article discusses specific suggestions on how to distribute the intake of useful products during the day.

Proper nutrition: menu

Before Breakfast, you can drink a glass of water in one gulp, with the addition of a spoonful of honey – this will clear and make the digestive organs work.

Breakfast is best porridge, you can cook them with water or milk, then add dried fruits and butter. Or you can make an omelet with vegetables.

For lunch, it is good to eat fruit-bananas, oranges, apples, nectarines.

Garnish with meat or borscht, soup-this is an ideal option for lunch. You can cook the vegetables in the oven to make meatballs for a couple. You need to eat one thing, or the first course, or the second.

Afternoon tea can consist of cottage cheese with fruit, or only fruit.

Dinner should be light, and most importantly, not late. If you don't like dairy products for an afternoon snack, then a glass of fermented baked milk, kefir or yogurt before going to bed is a great option. You can have dinner with porridge or just drink tea with honey if you are too late at home.

If you want to feel healthy, active and cheerful for many, many years, do not neglect such tips as eating healthy food and exercising every day.

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