How to eat properly and fully if you are a student?

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODЗдоровье 15-сен-2020, 21:32 0 230
I did not have a hungry student as such, but I regularly had periods of accumulation or financial instability, when it was also necessary to save, so I know a couple of fairly universal pieces that will help you not to kill your stomach, not to choke on empty porridge and spend exactly as much as you can at the moment, thanks to the large variability of the approach.
Algorithm number one is the most epic and multi - faceted. A hefty roaster of a very satisfying mash costs from fifty to three hundred rubles at the end - and it beats its cost price to the maximum. First of all, fry / stew the onion. More onions - more flavor, and the price remains almost the same. Fill it with milk so that it completely covers it (if you have everything in order with lactose tolerance, milk in General will help significantly, because an extra fifteen or twenty rubles make a completely different dish out of dry and lean anything). Optionally, throw a broth cube (or salt and any spices at your discretion, which are generally combined with milk - the same nutmeg is quite suitable). Simmer for another ten minutes, so that the mass is slightly thickened (if the milk is completely liquid and does not want to thicken, you can add a little flour/starch to the onion shortly before it). In the ready-made gravy, throw any grits (I highly recommend chickpeas or peas, in which there is a lot of protein) or pasta, break one or more eggs on top and mix, without removing them from the heat, so that the egg, mixed with the gravy, evenly covers the pasta or grits.
If you have money you can developnot Namco meat, fish fillets (oncovirinae the meat from the spine in Pollock - cheap and useful), mushrooms or cheese. The first three products are added when the onion is half-cooked and the cheese is kneaded at the same time as the egg. If you don't have time and money at all, you can make a gravy from milk with flour and a broth cube and throw in pasta: the cost of a portion is just a few rubles, and this is still quite satisfying, although it is much less like a healthy diet.
It is also very good when there is a place to freeze food. Buy mushrooms/vegetables at a discount, wash-cut, pack a little and throw in the freezer,and then add to any stew. Excellent vegetables go with pasta and rice, for which they can be stewed with curry sauce based on applesauce (starchy apples and curry seasoning are the main components, sweet pineapples, honey, onions and garlic - optional and to taste), which can be poured and baked chicken (which is cheaper than the vast majority of the same sausages) before, after or even during cooking.
In the oven with a small amount of water, potatoes are perfectly baked, on which it is enough to put a couple of slices of anything meat for taste. When the water has evaporated, add a little milk (as well as spices and garlic, if available), mix and enjoy.
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