Tenge exchange rate and coronavirus. How food products rose in price in Kazakhstan

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODЗдоровье 13-сен-2020, 20:02 0 279
According to the National League of Consumers, food prices increased by at least 15%.
With the introduction of the state of emergency, a rush began in Kazakhstan's supermarkets. In a couple of days, granulated sugar, pasta disappeared from the shop windows, and prices went up as the national currency fell. Now the situation has leveled off - there is no shortage of food, but socially important goods have risen in price, despite the threats of officials to introduce state regulation of prices.
How much the prices have risen, what is their cost in cities and regions of Kazakhstan - in the material Informburo.kz.
What and how much has risen in price
The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty, with the introduction of the state of emergency, on March 16, monitors prices for socially significant food products. Experts note a slight increase in prices in the city's markets, mainly for:
• sugar - by 12%;
• potatoes - by 10%;
• flour - by 5%.
The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Nur-Sultan explained the rise in prices.
"With the emergency situation and the introduction of quarantine, checkpoints have been organized that control the entry / exit of cars. In view of this, manufacturers of goods are faced with the problem of delivering raw materials and their rise in prices due to the rise in the dollar. There is a risk of a decrease in production volumes by domestic food products ", - said in the Chamber.
However, experts call the rise in prices for food products a seasonal increase in prices for some food products:
• potatoes - by 5-28%;
• carrots - by 4.6%;
• sugar - by 15%.
Food prices have risen, according to the National Consumers League.
"Food products have risen in price by at least 15%. Prices for cereals, vegetables and everything else went up. Trading networks increase prices, referring to the fact that suppliers have raised their prices. Most of the goods are supposedly imported. Even if the seeds are produced in Kazakhstan, the seeds, packaging and so on are foreign, ”says Svetlana Romanovskaya, president of the National League of Consumers.
About 300 people call the National Consumer League a day complaining about high prices for food and medical masks. The Chamber of Entrepreneurs also receives similar complaints.
The President of Kazakhstan at a meeting of the state commission on ensuring the state of emergency admitted that some entrepreneurs are engaged in speculation.
"We are faced with facts when unscrupulous people decided to take advantage of a difficult situation and cash in on the population, engage in speculation. The relevant authorities identify and suppress such attempts. It is required to approve an objectively necessary list of socially important goods, for which we will introduce state regulation of prices," Kasym said -Zhomart Tokayev.
They are already working with speculators. For example, in the Kostanay region, food suppliers and manufacturers received 16 notifications. The three main meat suppliers were instructed not to allow the rise in prices for beef. An investigation has been launched against a large buckwheat producer due to the establishment of a monopoly high price.
When and why people rushed to get food
The first lines in hypermarkets appeared on March 10. This was preceded by two events.
The first one is “Black Monday” on March 9, when after the failure of the OPEC + deal, the price of oil fell, followed by the Kazakh currency. Exchangers sold the dollar for 397 tenge, the increase over the holiday weekend was 13 tenge.
The second is the speech of the then chief sanitary doctor of Kazakhstan, Zhandarbek Bekshin. He said that, according to the forecast of scientists, on March 11-16, the country may "finally" see the first case of detecting a person infected with a coronavirus.
After that, videos appeared on social networks with rows of people at the checkouts of stores. People filled the carts to the top, bought bags of groceries and lined up in long lines. The messengers sent messages about price increases and food shortages.
Retail chains did not deny queues, but noted that the excitement is artificial, there is enough food for everyone and they do not raise prices.
"For Magnum, this is not at all critical, but it is a pity for both buyers and employees. There will be enough goods for everyone, it is not worth pushing around because of it. We also keep the prices and we will keep them. conditions ", - wrote Dmitry Shishkin, PR-manager of Magnum Cash & Carry retail network on his Facebook page.
He noted that in all 69 shopping malls of "Magnum" customer flow increased by 15%.
On March 13, Minister of Trade and Integration Bakhyt Sultanov urged Kazakhstanis not to believe mailings about food shortages and photos with empty shelves in stores.
But on March 16, the tenge depreciated again, the dollar increased in price to 434 tenge.
On the same day, a state of emergency was introduced in Kazakhstan, and since March 19, two main cities, Nur-Sultan and Almaty, have been quarantined. Tenge continues to depreciate against the US currency, which cannot but affect prices. Kazakhstanis in fear buy essential goods, hoping that the price tag has not changed yet.
Informburo.kz asked colleagues in the regions of Kazakhstan to compare prices before and after. And this is what we got.
How food products rose in price in Almaty
Almaty residents write in social networks about the rise in food prices.
"I am shocked by the rise in prices in Magnum. Why are prices not controlled? I understand that businessmen profit from the people, it seems to be in their blood. I took a special photo of prices for vegetables, why don't they keep prices?" - Zhanyl Yelemesova from Almaty wrote on Facebook
According to her, prices went up from March 12 to March 20:
• onions - from 58 to 72 tenge;
• potatoes - from 99 to 110 tenge;
• sugar - from 164 to 213 tenge;
• flour products - 30-40 tenge.
Green Bazaar in Almaty / Photo by Almaz Tolek
At the same time, an Almaty woman called a hotline specially created by the akimat, but she was not told anything concrete.
What are the prices in Nur-Sultan
In Nur-Sultan, there is a restriction on the purchase of food. One buyer is allowed:
• five liters of oil;
• five kg of bulk goods - sugar, flour, cereals.
As Astana residents write in social networks, prices have increased.
"Potatoes are already 200 tenge per kilogram, there are no more words about the rest. And what will happen next?" - Astana resident Altynai Evgenievna wrote on Facebook.
In Nur-Sultan, prices went up by:
• potatoes - from 150 to 200 tenge per 1 kg;
• carrots - from 180 to 250 tenge per 1 kg;
• sugar now costs 450 tenge;
• eggs - 400 tenge;
• tomatoes and cucumbers - 1,500 tenge per kg.
What are the prices in Shymkent
There is no shortage of food in Shymkent, but most of them have risen in price:
• 10 kg of flour - from 2,550 to 3,000 tenge;
• eggs - from 350 to 450 tenge per ten;
• potatoes - from 160 to 200 tenge per 1 kg;
• pasta now costs 500 tenge for 2 kg;
• buckwheat 350 tenge per 1 kg;
• horse meat - 2 300 tenge per 1 kg;
• beef: pulp - 2,100 tenge per 1 kg, with bone - 1,900 tenge;
• onions - 120 tenge per 1 kg;
• cucumbers - 500 tenge per 1 kg;
• tomatoes - 1000 tenge per 1 kg.
Sunflower oil has risen in price by 200 tenge. For a five-liter bottle, traders ask for 1,900 tenge. The price of sugar also went up. The price for a 25 kg bag reaches 5,700 tenge. Until recently, it was sold at 1000 tenge cheaper.
Egg prices / Photo Informburo.kz
There are no medical masks and antiseptics for sale in Shymkent. Several pharmacies in the city were assured that there were masks, but they were sold for 40-50 tenge apiece. Of the antiseptics, only medical alcohol remained in stock. It is sold for 150 tenge.
What are the prices in Atyrau
Prior to the detection of the first cases of coronavirus infection in supermarkets and markets in Atyrau, the demand for toilet paper, pasta and sunflower oil increased.
Prices for essential goods since the announcement of the state of emergency in the country have risen slightly:
• wheat bread - 75 tenge;
• milk - from 350 and more per liter;
• potatoes - from 150 tenge per 1 kg;
• pasta - from 95 tenge for a 400-gram pack;
• sugar - from 160 tenge per 1 kg;
• buckwheat - from 350 tenge per 1 kg;
• rice - from 240 tenge per 1 kg;
• beef - from 1800 tenge per 1 kg;
• eggs - 290-310 tenge per ten.
According to the deputy chairman of the board of Atyrau SEC JSC Amantay Aitbaev, the regional stabilization fund contains 2,175 tons of goods, including:
• potatoes - 700 tons;
• onions - 150 tons;
• carrots - 115 tons;
• cabbage - 150 tons;
• wheat flour of the 1st grade - 1060 tons.
Prices for essential goods in the context of the coronavirus pandemic:
• toilet paper - from 30 tenge per roll;
• soap - from 150 tenge;
• disposable mask - from 250 tenge;
• from antiseptics only chlorhexidine, the cost increased from 130 to 600 tenge.
"Flour is supplied to nine bakeries for baking bread. The volume of vegetables will provide the region with prices below market prices until May, flour - until July," Amantay Aitbaev added.
What are the prices in the East Kazakhstan region
In East Kazakhstan region, there is no excitement in grocery stores or empty shelves. Prices in large retail chains or grocery markets:
• sugar - from 190 to 300 tenge;
• rice - 245 tenge;
• premium flour - 130-200 tenge, depending on the packaging;
• buckwheat groats - 290 tenge;
• pasta - about 220 tenge per kg;
• chicken meat - from 750 to 1000 tenge;
• beef - from 1800 to 3200 tenge, depending on the part of the carcass;
• sunflower oil - 350 tenge.
Prices for cereals in East Kazakhstan region / Photo Informburo.kz
Prices are higher in convenience stores. Despite the increased demand, there is toilet paper in stores. The prices for it remained the same - 500-800 tenge per package. In pharmacies you can find masks for 50 tenge, but they are quickly disassembled.
What are the prices in the West Kazakhstan region
In Uralsk, the excitement in grocery stores and markets began on March 16. The price of potatoes increased from 80 to 160 tenge. Granulated sugar disappeared from retail outlets. In some supermarkets they were sold at 300 tenge per kg. The authorities announced the creation of monitoring groups that began to track prices.
"There was an increase in prices for some commodity items. With potatoes, this was due to the closure of borders. But now freight trucks enter the region without problems," said Yernar Beketov, head of the department of entrepreneurship and industrial-innovative development of WKO.
The sugar situation is more complicated. It is brought from other regions of the country. In early April, it is expected to receive 700 tons of sugar. An agreement has been concluded with the Kyzylorda region for the purchase of rice, with the Pavlodar region - potatoes and carrots. The stabilization fund contains one thousand tons of first-grade flour, 50 tons of pasta, 10 thousand tons of chicken meat, 50 thousand tons of sunflower oil and 500 tons of potatoes.
The entrepreneurs were given notifications that they will be fined in the amount of 100 MCI for exceeding the maximum prices.
Now in Uralsk for sale:
• beef - from 1600 tenge per 1 kg;
• carrots - 70 tenge;
• cabbage - 100 tenge;
• onions - 130 tenge;
• eggs - 300 tenge per ten.
Prices for vegetables in Uralsk / Photo Informburo.kz
There are no medical masks and antiseptics in Uralsk pharmacies.
What are the prices in Kokshetau
Prices in Kokshetau increased by:
• potatoes - from 96 to 130 tenge per 1 kg;
• eggs - from 253 to 385 tenge per ten;
• sugar - from 211 to 220 tenge per 1 kg;
• beef and horse meat costs 2 200 tenge per 1 kg;
• salt - 49 tenge per 1 kg;
• bread - from 90 tenge;
• rice "Ak Niet" - 305 tenge per 1 kg;
• toilet paper "Naberezhnye Chelny" - 77 tenge;
• sunflower oil "Sloboda" - 409 tenge per liter.
Supermarket in Kokshetau / Photo Informburo.kz
What are the prices in Kostanay
In mid-March, a jump in sugar prices was observed in Kostanay - 25 kg were sold in the markets for 7,000 tenge. Now the situation has stabilized. In supermarkets, sugar from the stabilization fund costs 165 tenge per 1 kg.
"Out of 19 types of food products for 18 items, prices are lower than the national average. Exceeding the threshold values by more than 15% was recorded for chicken meat - 16.4%. A decision was made to approve the maximum permissible retail prices for chicken meat in the area of 880 tenge per kilogram. ", - reported in the akimat of Kostanay region.
Today, in supermarkets and shops in Kostanay, you can buy on average:
• bread of the 1st grade (600 gr) - 83-85 tenge;
• rice - 350-380 tenge per 1 kg;
• buckwheat - 345 tenge per 1 kg;
• pasta "Crown" - 235 tenge per 1 kg;
• premium flour (Kostanay) - 409 tenge per 2 kg;
• sunflower oil - 430-450 tenge per 1 liter;
• local milk (2.5%) - 275 tenge;
• eggs of the 1st grade - 230 tenge per ten.
Supermarket in Kostanay / Photo Informburo.kz
Prices for vegetables, meat and household goods in markets and supermarkets in Kostanay differ. Average prices:
• potatoes - 100-110 tenge per 1 kg;
• onions - 80-90 tenge;
• carrots - 100-110 tenge;
• beef pulp - 2,000 tenge;
• horse meat - 2 200 tenge;
• pork - 1,700 tenge.
Kostanay residents can buy local toilet paper at 59 tenge per roll or imported Russian-made "Naberezhnye Chelny" at 75-80 tenge.
What are the prices in the North Kazakhstan region
The head of the business and tourism department of the North Kazakhstan region, Kuralai Zharova, assured that there is no reason for the rise in prices for essential goods, with the exception of prices for sugar imported from Russia and Belarus.
However, prices in the region have risen:
• sugar - from 151 to 201 tenge;
• dairy products, for example, a 200-gram can of sour cream - from 160 to 198 tenge;
• toilet paper "Naberezhnye chelny" - from 83 to 96 tenge;
• pasta "Sultan" - from 160 to 180 tenge;
• drinking water in devices - from 10 to 15 tenge per liter.
Sugar price in North Kazakhstan region / Photo Informburo.kz
Sugar price in North Kazakhstan region / Photo Informburo.kz
What measures were taken to contain prices
There are state stabilization funds in Kazakhstan, which are designed to keep the prices of socially important goods down. True, only for 19 types of socially significant products:
1. Wheat flour of the first grade.
2. Wheat bread made from first grade flour.
3. Horns (weight).
4. Buckwheat groats (unground).
5. Polished rice (round grain).
6. Potatoes.
7. Carrots.
8. Onions (onions).
9. Cabbage.
10. Sugar (sand).
11. Sunflower oil.
12. Beef (scapular-chest part with bones).
13. Chicken meat (femur and tibia with adjacent pulp).
14. Milk (pasteurized 2.5% fat in soft packaging).
15. Kefir (2.5% fat in soft pack).
16. Butter (natural and unsalted, at least 72.5% fat).
17. Chicken egg (category I).
18. Salt (except "Extra").
19. Cottage cheese (5-9% fat).
To ensure food security and replenish the stabilization funds, the Government and akimats will allocate 32 billion tenge.
"We will not allow an unjustified rise in prices, especially for essential products for the population. The relevant government agencies will conduct strict monitoring of price changes, and if speculation is revealed, the most severe sanctions will be applied," Deputy Prime Minister Yeraly Tugzhanov said on March 20.
In cities, they began to monitor prices for socially important products, and also launched hot lines through which residents can report inflated prices for food, medicine and medical masks. But, say consumer advocates, these measures are ineffective.
“Those 300 people who call us every day tell us that they first call the hot lines that the akimats have opened. And they are given our numbers there and say:“ Call the Consumers League. ”We turned to the Parliament and the Government for prices somehow they were holding back, because most people have no money, "says the head of the league, Svetlana Romanovskaya.
There have always been questions about the work of the stabilization funds. Back in January, before the coronavirus pandemic was announced, Minister of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakhyt Sultanov announced seven cases of exceeding the threshold prices for social products. However, there was no reaction from the akimats.
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