Contribution of Almaty to Food Production in the Country

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODЗдоровье 13-сен-2020, 19:51 0 263
The food industry ensures the food security of the state. The total number of enterprises and industries in the food industry at the moment in the republic is 161. The TOP-5 with the highest indicators of this sector of the economy in 2017 include: Almaty, Almaty region, Kostanay, Turkestan and East Kazakhstan regions. The least developed food industry is in Atyrau and Mangistau regions. In terms of indicators for 2017, Almaty is ahead of all regions.
The level of development of the food industry determines the viability of the population and is an important part of the food security of the state. This industry, which consists of more than 20 branches, produces practically all food products necessary for the population, including special products for children.
In January-December 2018, the country produced food products in monetary terms by 1,556.4 billion tenge, which is 1.6% more than in 2017.
Production of beverages increased by 0.1% and amounted to 345.3 billion tenge.
According to the operational data of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for January-December 2018, compared to the same period in 2017, in physical terms, it increased by 10% (from 486 638 to 535 501 tons), fermented milk products by 3.9% (from 191 100 to 198,575 tons), cheese and cottage cheese by 6.7% (from 25,806 to 27,546 tons), including hard cheese by 14.7% (from 4,400 tons to 5,048 tons), butter by 4.3 % (from 16,571 to 17,286 tons), ice cream by 8.3% (from 24,823 to 26,875 tons).
At the same time, there is a decrease in the production of meat and meat and vegetable canned food by 10.3% (from 8 871 tons to 7 954 tons), milk powder by 5.5% (from 4 222 tons to 3 990 tons), fresh and chilled fish by 0 , 9% (from 26 684 tons to 26 442 tons), processed fish by 5.3% (from 11 778 to 11 155 tons).
In addition, in 2018, the production of soft drinks amounted to 1,273.3 million liters, which is 8.4% less than in 2017 (1,390.7 million liters).
According to the operational data of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for January-December 2018, compared to the same period in 2017, the production of flour increased by 0.7% in physical terms (from 4,009.8 thousand tons to 4,036.5 thousand tons) , margarine by 7% (from 64.7 thousand to 69.3 thousand tons), cereals by 15% (from 70.7 thousand to 81.3 thousand tons), processed rice by 3.9% (from 166.5 thousand to 173.0 thousand tons), processed and canned fruits and vegetables by 6.5% (from 29.9 thousand tons to 31.9 thousand tons), flour and sugar confectionery by 2, 2% (from 934.1 thousand to 954.5 thousand tons), beet sugar by 13.5% (from 52 thousand tons to 59 thousand tons). Vegetable oil production remained at the level of 2017 in the amount of 375.0 thousand tons.
At the same time, there is a decrease in the production of cane sugar by 39.1% (from 264.5 thousand to 161.2 thousand tons), fruit and vegetable juices - by 17.8% (from 152.6 million to 125, 5 million liters).
According to the data of the same statistical committee, the total number of enterprises and industries in the food industry at the moment in the republic is 161 units, of which 15 for meat processing, 6 for fish, 3 for fruits and vegetables, for the production of vegetable and animal oils and fats - 13, for the production of dairy products - 36, for the production of flour-grinding industry products, starches and starch products - 30, for the production of bakery and flour products - 40, for the production of ready-made animal feed - 1, for the production of drinks - 39, for the production of other products food - 18.
In the republic in terms of food production, the TOP-5 with the highest indicators for 2017 includes: Almaty, Almaty region, Kostanay, Turkestan and East Kazakhstan regions, as evidenced by the following diagram:
In Almaty in 2017, food products were produced for 215, 296, 697 thousand tenge. The city produces about 50 types of food products. 7 enterprises are currently under construction in the Industrial Zone of Almaty.
However, it should be noted that in Almaty there is no production of canned meat and processing of poultry meat.
In general, among the regions of Kazakhstan for the processing and canning of meat and the production of meat products, Almaty takes the 4th place:
The least developed food industry is from the regions of Atyrau and Mangystau regions. In 2017, products were produced for 6,280,058 thousand tenge in the Mangistau region, 8,739,602 thousand tenge - in the Atyrau region.
Meanwhile, in terms of food industry indicators for 2017, Almaty is ahead of all regions.
As you can see from the diagram, in the megalopolis the output of products is increasing in dynamics:
The production of all types of products in Almaty has been gradually growing in recent years, not counting dairy products. As the table shows, this food processing industry experienced a sharp decline in 2014. Then a slight increase was noticed. In 2016, Almaty produced dairy products in monetary terms for 22,267,353 thousand tenge. And in 2017, a decline was recorded again.
According to KazAgroMarketing (a subsidiary of KazAgro JSC, which was liquidated in 2018), in 2015, compared to the previous year, there was a sharp increase in the export volumes of butter and other fats and oils made from milk (including milk pastes) by 2,800% from 106.9 tons to 3,099.7 tons. The main volume of exports was to the Russian Federation in 2014, in 2015 there was a sharp increase of 2,536% from 105.8 tons to 2,789.2 tons.
The volume of imports of butter and other fats and oils made from milk (including milk spreads), on the contrary, decreased by 27% in 2015 compared to 2014 from 59,737.1 tons to 41,101.1 tons.
The volume of imports of milk and cream (condensed or with added sugar or other sweetening substances) in 2015 also decreased by 31% from 59,737.1 to 41,101.1 tons.
Also, in 2015, the volume of exports of cheeses and cottage cheese increased by 124% from 646.0 tons to 1,446.8 tons. This is due to the fact that the main growth in the volume of exported products falls on the Russian Federation, so the sharp increase from 358 tons to 1,094.3 tons amounted to 206%.
Imports to Kazakhstan from other countries, on the contrary, decreased by 6% from 22,279.6 tons to 20,966.4 tons.
As the diagram for food production in Almaty shows, in 2014 there was a peak in the production of dairy products, and in 2015, on the contrary, there was a very big failure. Then there is a slight increase and in 2017 - again a decline.
Also, as this diagram shows, in 2008 and 2010 there was a peak in the production of oil and fats, and in 2011 and in 2015 on the contrary, it was a failure. Then comes the growth.
I turned to specialized unions to have one of the experts comment on this situation. The Union of Fat and Oil Products says that there are official statistics and unofficial ones. In order to receive subsidies, the data were increased, in fact, there are not so many industries. But they apparently do not want to spoil the attitude and refused to officially comment.
Dairy Union is busy with the program with FAO and reported lack of strength for comment.
And there was no union for processing and production of meat products in the country before. The existing Meat Union mainly protects the interests of raw meat producers.
However, on April 22, 2019, the first meeting of meat processors of Kazakhstan took place in Almaty, where the creation of the National Association of meat processors was announced.
According to Kazakhstan Today, Almaz Tubekov, General Director of Becker and K LLP, made a welcoming speech. The topic of his speech at the forum was "Issues of selling sausage and meat products in the retail network of Kazakhstan: imported products, trade mark-up of retail chains."
“Our Ministry of Agriculture is seeking to export meat, although the volume of meat produced does not yet reach export issues. In the current situation, massive supplies of meat for export can cause an imbalance, sharp fluctuations in the cost of raw materials and even a shortage of it, and this will affect the final product. There are problems associated with the relationship between manufacturers and owners of retail chains. The owners of retail chains impose requirements on manufacturers that are not realistic for everyone: rebates, various promotions and terms, limited assortment, and others. These costs narrow the assortment line and lead to higher prices for meat products on the shelves. The task of the future Association is to achieve the development and implementation of uniform rules and norms in terms of the representation of domestic products on the shelves as a priority, ”he said.
“Meat processing is in the deepest crisis. This is the impact of the crisis. According to our calculations, the market fell by 30%. We need government support. We are not expected anywhere in other countries. They extinguish us there. The first problem is the share of gray imports. We all travel around the world, we see the experience of different countries. There is also a crisis in Russia and even large companies are going bankrupt. They did 200 tons per day. In the next 5 years, we need to protect ourselves by measures of state support. We must be partners, ”said Temirgali Yeskendirov, representative of AgroProduct LLP (Uralsk, Myasodel brand).
General Director of MPZ BIZHAN LLP (founder of the Bijan group of enterprises) Khadisha Bizhan spoke about trade between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the EAEU countries and the facts of restrictions on the export of food products of animal origin from the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Russian Federation. 
“Our market is overflowing with the products of EAEU partners: most of the meat assortment is made up of sausages, meat delicacies and canned food, semi-finished products from Russia and Belarus. 95% of the total volume of imports of these products in Kazakhstan falls on Russian manufacturers. A lot of contraband products come to Kazakhstan: they are brought to small shops, markets and sold at low prices. A natural question arises: where are the supervisory authorities looking? By buying counterfeit products, consumers risk their health, the state loses huge sums of money in its budget, and we, processors, suffer from unfair competition, "Bijan said.
The founder of Kubley LLP Talgat Berekeshev spoke about the problems of taxation in the agricultural sector. “Nobody represents our interests in matters of competent taxation. There is no correct understanding of the calculation of taxes in the country. And the government does not listen to us. We are like stepchildren in our country. The calculation shows that the load on our income is 45%! There is no such thing anywhere in the world. What income can we, producers, have with such an exorbitant taxation? In our country, it is not the agro-industrial complex, but the agrarian-market complex, ”he said.
According to him, agrarians in the meat industry (farmers) are generally exempted from VAT when selling their products.
“Meat processing plants, ie processors are required to pay 12% VAT for their raw materials. It turns out that the state is shifting the tax burden onto processors. But after all, we processors also have their own obligations to the budget for their formed VAT. It turns out that processors pay double VAT: for the farmer and for themselves, ”he said.
According to the calculations of the representative of "Kubley", the taxation of the meat processor reaches 48 percent.
In this regard, T. Berekeshev proposed to exempt processors from paying VAT, IIT and OPV for private household plots when purchasing agricultural products.
“We should take an example from China. I was there and was interested in their system. They are exempt from taxes for the first 5 years. Then 50%. The government does not understand us, tries to scrape off us, squeeze, take taxes. We need to be exempted from taxes. Then there will be competitive production. I personally know what low-quality products come from the Russian Federation. We definitely need a barrier from their low-quality products. This is national security, "said the head of Karat LLP T. Kurmangaliev from Atyrau.
I turned to NPP Atameken for a comment. There, the director of the tax department answered this question. As noted, due to the fact that processors of agricultural products work with peasant farms and personal subsidiary farms that are not VAT payers, for them (agricultural processors) there is a privilege in Article 411 of the Tax Code, they can take into account an additional amount of VAT. Those who are engaged in the production of meat and meat products, this benefit applies.
“Kubley partially enjoys this privilege, their production of canned food is not suitable. We sent a proposal to the Ministry of National Economy to include canned food in the list of the draft Law on amendments to the Tax Code being developed. MNE accepted this proposal into work. The Ministry of Agriculture must submit to the Ministry of National Economy the calculations of budget losses for consideration at the RBC meeting, ”the NPP commented.
As you know, since 2008, the Kazakhstani tenge has been devalued several times under the influence of external economic factors. Dairy companies are constantly experiencing a shortage of raw materials. It is also possible that the rise in prices for imported raw materials from abroad influenced the sharp decline in production. At the same time, there is an increase in prices for all types of dairy products.
The table shows the same dependence on external factors for the production of vegetable and animal oils and fats, processing and preserving of meat and the production of meat products.
In this regard, the government should take measures to reduce the dependence of industrial development on fluctuations in the national currency. Experts believe that it is necessary to eliminate miscalculations in organizational, financial, credit and foreign trade policies, as a result of which negative trends in the development of the industry have appeared. Only then is it possible to ensure competitive agricultural production in volumes sufficient to cover the needs of the industry and ensure the independence of the domestic market for food.
Kazakhstan's potential allows us to fully ensure the stability of the domestic food market, guaranteed saturation with basic food products and access to foreign markets with ecologically clean products. This was mentioned in the analysis of the current situation of the SPFIID back in 2010. However, neither stability, nor saturation, nor access to foreign markets has yet been achieved.
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