Good nutrition

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODЗдоровье 12-сен-2020, 14:09 0 241
Stable functioning of the whole body, full assimilation of all useful substances and elements, fast and correct flow of metabolic processes in the digestive system-the key and guarantee of good health and high immunity.
Proper nutrition – specific and constant meal hours. At the same time, food is distributed throughout the day according to the number of calories, the set of chemical elements contained in the food. In addition, the set of dishes and their number must be taken into account. For Mature and physically healthy people, nutrition experts recommend eating three or four meals a day.
For some diseases, mainly related to the digestive system, it is worth eating five or six times a day. The daily norm of food is distributed as follows: a light Breakfast, equal to about a third of the total daily norm; a dense lunch and dinner, which is a quarter of the daily norm. Most nutritionists agree that 4 meals a day is the right choice. This system of proper nutrition allows the body to optimally absorb useful substances and vitamins.
The distribution of products by intake hours depends very much on the composition and energy potential. For example: foods with a high protein content-meat, fish, legumes should be consumed for Breakfast or lunch. Such products increase the activity of the Central nervous system. Before going to bed, you should eat fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables. They do not load the digestive organs. Do not use tea, coffee, or hot seasonings at night. So you can activate the nervous system and disrupt sleep. Too much food or not enough food also makes sleep worse. It is best to start your meal with salads or vegetables. So you activate the activity of the stomach and increase the release of gastric juice. At the same time, dishes should be served no hotter than 50 degrees and no colder than 10 degrees. For good digestibility of food, it must be thoroughly chewed. Conversations, TV, books are very distracting from proper food intake. Such food is harmful and spoils the digestive system.
Take food on a schedule and do not break it. Proper and systematic food intake contributes to the prevention of the gastrointestinal tract. Eat moderately and within reason, overeating leads to the accumulation of fat mass and causes a variety of diseases, reduces the active work of the immune system.
What will we achieve by eating right? By adjusting our diet, we can reduce the appearance of chronic diseases that we have been suffering from for many years. For example, by reducing the amount of pepper in your favorite dishes, you can easily forget about heartburn and gastritis.
Proper nutrition and age. There are certain restrictions that can be ignored at a young age and that should become the "Bible" for older people. A young person with a healthy digestive system can eat any food. I recommend that you only know the measure and not lean on any one type of product. Older people do not want to eat highly salty dishes, so as not to provoke a hypertensive crisis. People over 50, especially women, need to eat more foods containing calcium: this is a necessary prevention of osteoporosis (brittle bones and frequent fractures in old age).
The importance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Proper nutrition is based on the optimal proportion of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. How many of them should be contained in food for each person, it is not difficult to find out. It all depends on what kind of activity a person is engaged in. People with intellectual work do not move much, but their brain absorbs a lot of energy, so their diet should contain 100-110 grams of protein, 80-90 grams of fat, and 300-350 grams of carbohydrates per day. People who are engaged in physical labor spend more energy on their muscles, so they need 115-120 grams of protein, 80-90 grams of fat, and 400 grams of carbohydrates. In addition, each person should receive daily vitamins and fiber.
The optimal diet can be called a diet that contains meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Carbohydrate-rich food satisfies hunger well (flour, sweets), but the benefits of such food are very small. It is better to minimize the consumption of sugar and flour products. And if you really want something sweet, it's better to eat a spoonful of honey than candy.
General basics of proper nutrition:
1. Food must be fresh. During storage, dietary qualities inevitably deteriorate. Cooked food can not be left for a long time. It begins to go through the processes of fermentation and putrefaction. It is better to eat food immediately after cooking.
2. Proper nutrition should be varied and balanced. If you eat at the workplace, it is better to order delivery of ready meals to the office. This will allow you to maintain a varied and balanced diet. The more different foods included in the diet, the more biologically active substances enter the body.
3. The diet should be raw vegetables and fruits. Raw fruits have a concentrated life-giving power, they retain significantly more vitamins and trace elements than cooked ones. Raw vegetables and fruits increase the speed of metabolic processes. For people who are overweight, phlegmatic, prone to depressive States, it is very good to include raw vegetables and fruits in the diet to increase the speed of metabolic processes. People with increased excitability are better off eating vegetables and fruits steamed or in the oven.
4. Seasonality of food. In spring and summer, you need to increase the amount of plant food. In winter, on the contrary, it is advisable to add foods rich in protein and fat to the diet.
5. Restriction in nutrition. Weight gain always develops against the background of an energy imbalance, so to reduce body weight, it is necessary to limit the energy value of the diet. In addition, overeating reduces performance and causes fatigue.
6. A certain combination of products. You can not eat incompatible dishes, and this is a mandatory rule. With unfavorable food combinations in the intestines, the processes of fermentation and rotting of food are activated, and the body accumulates toxins and toxins. If we take into account the fact that about 90 percent of people over the age of 40 suffer from bloating, heartburn, bitterness in the mouth, constipation, etc., then all of them should think about changing the nature of their diet.
7. From food we need to get maximum pleasure. First of all, you need to give up haste during meals, from unpleasant conversations and from reading.
And so to sum up: proper nutrition as a way of life is a diverse, fresh food in moderation, eaten for pleasure.
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