Proper nutrition as a factor in maintaining human health

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODЗдоровье 10-сен-2020, 14:50 0 259
In the modern world, people pay less and less attention to their own health. On the shelves of chain supermarkets is a lot of finished products, but in a hurry, no one pays attention to its composition. Few people think about how important the quality of food products is for maintaining health. 
Consider what should be the nutrition of a modern person. The basis of the selection of the diet should be the principles of proper nutrition. 
Proper nutrition is nutrition that ensures growth, normal life and development of a person, improves health and provides prevention of various diseases. In modern science, there are many studies aimed at optimizing the diet for the prevention of many known chronic diseases (diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and cancer).
 Proper nutrition is necessary at any age. This is due to the fact that the basis of the life of the human body is a constant exchange of substances between the environment and the body. The body maintains its homeostasis, i.e. a state of stable balance of all its organs and systems with the environment, regularly consuming a certain amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates, water, and mineral salts. If there is a lack of certain substances in the body, they begin to spend their own. In the case of excessive intake of substances in the body, fat reserves begin to be deposited. In addition, harmful substances can enter the human body along with food. If a person's diet is made up correctly, rationally, then they are less susceptible to diseases. It's easier to deal with them. A healthy diet helps prevent early aging. It is worth noting that improper nutrition leads to a violation of human health in various directions. A person who strives to observe the basics of proper nutrition should calculate the necessary daily dose of calories, as well as pay attention to the ratio of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and mineral salts in the diet. You also need to consider how important the number of meals a day and the aesthetics of food itself are. Note that for a healthy person, the number of calories required for consumption depends on both the intensity of work (home, professional or otherwise), and on anthropometric factors and age. It is important to adhere to a specific and constant diet. 
It includes the number of meals a day, the time intervals between meals, and an even and competent distribution of the energy value of the daily diet. A significant part of experts agree that the most correct is four or five meals a day. This is due to the fact that it allows you to evenly distribute the load on the digestive tract and make the process of digesting food as comfortable as possible. If the breaks between meals are too long, there is a chance of developing hypoglycemia in the body, that is, the amount of sugar in the blood will significantly decrease. If there is insufficient sugar intake in the brain, performance may decrease and irritability and drowsiness may appear. Another important aspect is the chewing of food. Due to the fact that the pace of life has increased significantly recently, most products are carefully processed, which leaves less work for the jaw. It is known that this can contribute to the development of diseases of the teeth and gums. That is why the diet of proper nutrition should include products that can activate chewing (apples, carrots, and others).
 According to Paul S. Bragg, for the smooth creation of a powerful nervous system, it is necessary to exclude a certain list of foods from the diet. Let's pay attention to the list of "wrong" nutrition according to Bragg's theory: refined sugar and products that contain it; seasonings — mustard, ketchup, fish and meat sauces, marinades; margarine; foods saturated with fat; peanut butter; dry cereals; tea; coffee; alcoholic beverages; smoked meat; smoked fish and similar products; tobacco; fresh pork and products from it; dried fruits that contain strong chemicals; canned soups. In this list, Bragg does not prohibit, but advises avoiding certain foods in your diet. You can see that many experts in their works talk about the negative impact on the body has an abundance of fried, flour and smoked. And the harm of tobacco and alcohol is already a well-known fact. At the same time, Bragg pays attention to the value of calcium in the human diet. Calcium in the right proportions gives us nerves of steel, strong teeth, elastic muscles, strong bones, a clear heartbeat, elastic skin, a quick mind, a straight posture and healthy organs. If there is not enough calcium in the body, a person can become irritable, nervous. According to Bragg, calcium allows you to "regulate" and control your health and even create a personality. The main available products that contain calcium include: beets; peeled almonds; cheeses; green vegetables; milk. Herbert Shelton, in his book "the Right combination of foods", draws attention to the following: "Natural combinations of proteins, fats and starches (for example, milk, cereals, cream, bread) are not difficult to digest, but random combinations of bread-meat, bread-eggs, porridge-eggs, potatoes-meat, porridge-milk, bread-ham, etc. are unacceptable." Starchy and protein foods behave differently in the stomach. If you pay attention to the first stages of digestion of proteins and starches, you will notice that they occur in different environments — in acidic and alkaline. From this we can conclude that starchy foods (potatoes, cereals, bakery products) and protein foods (fish, poultry, meat of all kinds, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, nuts, milk) should be consumed separately from each other, at different times. Shelton formulated several tips for adjusting your own diet and improving the quality of food. Cold drinks, ice cream, etc. they are harmful because they slow down and even stop the action of pepsin. Bread and butter is a favorable combination, as well as potatoes or porridge with any fats. Milk must be consumed separately from the rest of the food. Carrots, cauliflower, pumpkin, beets, and other foods that contain starch are perfectly combined with various starchy foods (as an additive to it). Watermelons and melons should be eaten separately from the rest of the food. The same goes for fruit. Answering the meaningful question "when is there?» most of the nutritionists of the naturopathic direction in medicine agree: you can start eating only when there is a natural feeling of hunger, and not appetite. You must be able to distinguish between these concepts. Hunger is a natural "voice of nature" that warns a person that the body needs food. There is no other factor that indicates when to sit down to eat. Appetite is a habit that encourages you to eat when a certain time comes, when you feel a particular smell, taste, and when you think about food. To sum up the above, you can say that when hunger occurs, any food will be perceived with pleasure, since it satisfies a human need, but in the case of an appetite, it is necessary to eat a certain food that at a particular time seems to be the most attractive. The same opinion was held by the ancient yogis of the time of Avicenna: "you Can not eat until you are really hungry and thirsty. Real hunger appears a long time after the last meal, when the intestines are free of gases." The need to eat often is an unhealthy phenomenon that can be corrected by reducing the number of meals. Along with this, a number of ailments disappear. Many observations show a beneficial effect of large gaps between meals. 
M. Bircher-Benner (a doctor from Zurich, who developed the theory and practice of natural nutrition in his fundamental work "Fundamentals of treatment on the basis of energy" (published in Russia in 1914), in which each meal gives the body the necessary energy potential) formulated 3 basic rules of nutrition that, in his opinion, everyone should follow: Eat slowly and chew food thoroughly. Take food only three times during the day. Stop eating until you feel full. You can notice a contradiction in the number of meals in the advice of Shelton and Bircher-Benner. Based on the opinion of most modern scientists, we will adhere to the position of Herbert Shelton. To sum up, it is worth noting that the issue of health is one of the first places in everyone's life, and for almost everyone this problem is an unresolved issue. A person can and should take care of himself, and one of the most effective methods is proper nutrition, compliance with the rules of which is in our hands.
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