ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODЗдоровье 10-сен-2020, 11:07 0 219
 A campaign for revaccination against tuberculosis of 1st grade pupils has started in Almaty, Kazinform correspondent reports.
 “Our City polyclinic №11 serves 6 schools of the Zhetysu region, in each of them our colleagues started working at 9.00. All classes have a different schedule, it was formed depending on the schedule of lessons, most children are taught remotely. We plan to cover about 800 1st grade students in our 6 schools. This year we celebrate high activity among parents. There are only isolated cases of refusals due to the epidemiological situation for coronavirus infection, ”said Almash Ardabayeva, deputy chief physician for children's service at City Polyclinic No. 11.
  The procedure is performed after completing the voluntary informed consent of the parents. The interval between the setting of the Mantoux test and the BCG revaccination will be from 3 days to 2 weeks. During the period of the BCG revaccination, students in the 1st grade will be suspended from other vaccinations in schools.
  Nevertheless, after three months, students of the 1st grades with a dubious reaction will be re-examined using the Mantoux test with a revaccination of BCG with a negative Mantoux test.
  Let us remind you that from September 10 to November 30, vaccination against influenza will be held in Almaty. Vaccinations will be carried out according to the developed vaccination schedules in order to exclude the excitement and crowding of people in the city's clinics. Polyclinic doctors will contact the patient at risk and invite for vaccinations.
  More than 400 thousand residents of the city of Almaty will receive a flu shot free of charge. Among them, 264 thousand are people over 65 years old, 125 thousand are the population with chronic diseases, 22 thousand children, 9 thousand health workers, more than 7 thousand pregnant women.
Перевод статьи: Мусладин Айдана 

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