Food for health and mind

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODЗдоровье 08-сен-2020, 11:35 0 245
The suggested nutrition tips will help you avoid such unpleasant diseases as dementia, atherosclerosis, depression, and anemia.
Over the past hundred years, the average life expectancy has increased by more than 10 years. But, unfortunately, in our country, it remains low: 59 years for men, and 72 – for women. For comparison, consider Japan: 82 years for men and 84 years for women. Russians have something to strive for. Experts believe that 100 years is not the limit for the current generation of young people. However, a person pays for an increase in life expectancy with a whole bunch of diseases, including dementia associated with age-related changes in the blood vessels of the brain or atrophy of its cortex. The suggested nutrition tips will help you avoid such unpleasant companions as dementia, atherosclerosis, depression, and anemia.
Read, embody and be healthy.
Foods that can help you avoid dementia, atherosclerosis, depression, and anemia
Vitamin F deficiency
It can lead to depression and memory disorders. Vitamin F is found in greens, cabbage leaves, and spinach.
Vitamin E
Significantly reduces the risk of getting Alzheimer's disease over the years. Its daily dose contains: 2.5 tablespoons of sunflower seeds, 2.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 0.5 kg of Turkey steak, 1 kg of mackerel, 60 g of almonds, 90 g of mustard oil, 80 g of wheat sprouts. This vitamin is present in all nuts, leafy vegetables, and egg yolks.
Vitamin B6
Improves long-term memory, increasing the efficiency of intellectual processes. It is found in bananas, potatoes, oatmeal, tuna, and chicken. The daily allowance can be obtained from 200 g of beef and 50 g of flakes with bran.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 acids
They regulate cholesterol levels and therefore reduce the risk of heart disease. The daily dose of these important compounds is contained in 60 g of herring-iwashi, or 30 g of mackerel, or 30 g of sardines in their own juice, or 70 g of salmon, or 180 g of oysters, or 300 g of shrimp. 60 g of canned tuna contains a weekly norm of these acids. They are rich in cod liver, fish oil and generally fatty fish-trout, chum salmon. Useful corn, soy, vegetable oil. One tablespoon of any vegetable oil is enough to meet the daily requirement for polyunsaturated fatty acids. By the way, vegetable oil is more useful the closer to the North the oilseed crop is grown.
Red bean
Including canned food, it reduces cholesterol by 10%. Orange juice, grapes, red apples, Apple juice, ketchup, tomatoes increase the content of "healthy" cholesterol. Garlic and green tea reduce cholesterol by 12 % in a short period of time. By the way, those who eat 5-6 times a day have a cholesterol level 5% lower than those who eat less often.
Monounsaturated fatty acid
They also lower cholesterol. They are found in mustard, peanut, rapeseed and olive oils, hazelnuts, soy, cashew nuts, almonds, pistachios. The natural source of these acids is hemp and pumpkin seeds. Avocado when consumed in an amount of 1.5 pieces per day for 3 weeks reduces cholesterol levels by more than 8%.
The daily norm of iron is 20 mg.
It is well known that the lack of this trace element leads to anemia, in which the blood supply to the brain suffers significantly — concentration and memory deteriorate. Iron is found in meat, legumes, buckwheat, liver, bread, apples, and pomegranates. Vitamin C (fruit) contributes to the absorption of iron. Taking painkillers, strong tea and coffee, as well as chronic gastritis reduce the iron content in the body.
The daily norm of calcium is 1.0 — 1.5 g.
Recently, it was found that this element is able to fight depression. It is found in dairy products, dried fruits, broccoli, almonds, sardines. Diuretics reduce its content in the body.
Magnesium is sometimes called an anti-stress metal.
The daily norm is 300-400 mg. Lack of it in the body provokes insomnia and headaches, draining the cerebral cortex, reducing its capabilities and abilities. It is found in boiled potatoes, broccoli cabbage, processed cheese, cocoa beans, milk, bananas, honey, almonds, fish fillets, beans, peas, nuts, cereals, herbs, and seafood. Alcohol, antibiotics, and diuretics wash magnesium out of the body.
The daily norm of chromium is 50-200 mcg.
The lack of this element affects the anxious background, increasing the feeling of anxiety. Chromium deficiency can lead to increased cholesterol levels in the blood. It is found in corn, black bread, black tea, meat dishes with a side dish of boiled potatoes in a uniform, and many other common foods.
The daily norm of iodine is 100-200 mcg.
Lack of it leads to depression. Chronic iodine deficiency from an early age can lead to cretinism. Source-seaweed, mussels, shrimp, seaweed, iodized salt, mushrooms
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