ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODЗдоровье 08-сен-2020, 10:29 0 244
Our health depends directly on three components: lifestyle, sleep duration, and nutrition. And of course, there is also a hereditary factor. It is known that the leading role in maintaining health is played by proper nutrition. If you adhere to the basic principles of a healthy diet, the body will not fail, and the slimness of the figure will be provided. Unfortunately, many people believe that healthy eating consists of diets, but this is a misconception. However, you need to constantly monitor your weight and diet. That is why you should know, study and follow the basic rules of healthy eating.
Healthy food is a food that provides the body with all the necessary substances for maintaining health – proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro - and microelements, and other biologically important components. Many people believe that if you listen to yourself, you can understand which products are beneficial and feel good, and which are not. Of course, you need to respect the needs of your body and the body itself, be an ally, not an enemy, but at the same time you need to listen to the recommendations of scientists who are constantly working on the basic principles of proper nutrition.
International organizations, such as the world health organization, as well as national institutes and universities, are working on agreed nutrition recommendations for the population. You should know that the concept of healthy eating has age-related features and characteristics. It is equally important to eat right at any age, but the needs of the body differ significantly in children, middle-aged and elderly people. It is important for children to get enough nutrients and vitamins for growth and development of the body, but adults with an already formed body and metabolism should be reasonable to approach their taste preferences. So what are these current scientific recommendations?
The General harmonized scientific recommendations today call for balancing the consumption of red meat and butter and replacing saturated fats of animal and dairy origin with mono-and polyunsaturated fats of vegetable origin. Many recommendations concern the need to reduce the consumption of sugar and salt.
The traditional model of food consumption in Russia cannot be called "healthy" is a lot of meat and processed meat products, use only white flour, low content of fruits and vegetables, many baked sweets and high sugar and salt in products of daily consumption. This model of nutrition is largely responsible for the spread of modern diseases: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, atherosclerosis, obesity, cancer, etc.
A healthy diet significantly reduces the risk of all these diseases. A well-chosen diet has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, which helps maintain normal cholesterol levels, controls blood pressure, and prevents the accumulation of excess weight.
Today, even the fact that eating properly can effectively treat many diseases and even correct the genetic predisposition to certain diseases is no longer in doubt.
In our articles, we will help you understand the features and useful properties of a particular product, provide various interesting facts about the vegetarian lifestyle, the basics of proper nutrition, ways to prepare healthy food, and dispel some myths. The information in the articles is moderately popular, accessible, understandable and very interesting. Read and add to your knowledge about proper nutrition!
And it should be noted another principle of proper nutrition, useful to all without exception — it is moderation in food. Remember that half-eaten is always better than overeating!
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