Social phobia and thirst for society

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODЗдоровье 27-июн-2020, 17:25 0 281
Since time immemorial, individuals who were inclined to seclusion broke away from the herd, so they survived and multiplied worse. As a result, their genes containing self-sufficiency and fearlessness did not have time to pass on to their descendants.
Individuals who were not indifferent to relationships multiplied more actively, and passed on their fear of loneliness to future generations. The successors filtered the fear of their psyche in a new circle: the genes of individuals separated from the herd were filtered out, and the legacy of individuals attached to the company was consolidated.
Imagine an island with inhabitants. Part of the islanders want to leave the island, and the other — to stay on it. Those who remain give birth on the island-children who inherit the genes of their parents, and in the same family spirit cling to the familiar space. After a dozen generations, no one wants to leave the island, because its entire population is the heirs of ancestors who wanted to stay.
Now imagine that the island is life on earth. Here remain and transmit their genotype inhabitants who tend to start relationships and reproduce.
The thirst for relationships, passing through thousands of generations, was again and again fixed, strengthened and overgrown with a rich palette of new shades. They are what we generally call "love".
Now remember what influence "love" has on everything-everything in life. Look into yourself. Your mind is the apogee of crystallized survival and reproduction instincts. All that you feel is the selected heritage of antiquity.
In modern man, love and fear have become the Central stimuli of the soul. They are so deep-seated that the intention to surpass them is often presumptuous naivety; and the ultimate spiritualized self — sufficiency is a beautiful fantastic ideal.
We are descendants of the ancient "islanders".
Social phobia
A direct encounter with loneliness is a challenge for the strong-minded. It is easier to cover this fear by communicating with friends and family. This is natural. But the soul is not satisfied with this; it "requires" the individual to cope with loneliness and sociability at the same time.
Otherwise, if the challenge of loneliness is not accepted, any possible relationship is poisoned by this fear. And if the challenge of society is not accepted, the disturbing background of such an unpleasant truth is reinforced in the soul, that solitude is not a conscious choice at all, but a forced flight from the world because of your inability to deal with it.
Self-sufficiency, fueled by social phobia, is just a beautiful mask, but in fact-turned inside out, a thirst for society.
Social phobia is not a fear of society itself, but a fear of being seen as worthless, rejected by social "natural selection". In private, a recluse can think of himself as anything. A collision with people threatens him with unflattering doubts about his own account. As a result, it is easier to keep closing.
Fear of the stage, new acquaintances and unusual conditions-all this is an avoidance of testing your self-esteem in business. And the more compact life is, the easier it is to think of yourself as special in it.
The root of insecurity is an unstable opinion of yourself and your real qualities. Fluctuating self-esteem, disposed to fall to low ratings — is the main reason for vulnerability and subsequent cramped life, where only you can keep a sense of self-importance. On a whole section is devoted to this topic.
Social phobia is treated by self-knowledge with the help of sensitive self-analysis and in the" field " of live communication, when fear is met face to face.
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