Tourist facilities

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODТуризм 27-май-2020, 16:09 0 303

Tourist resources in Kazakhstan include natural-climatic, historical, socio-cultural, recreational facilities, including tourist services, as well as other facilities that can meet the spiritual needs of tourists and help to restore their energy. They are cultural-cognitive, ecological, sports, social, religious, etc. divided into types of tourism.

Tourist facilities in Kazakhstan are divided into several groups

natural and recreational
historical and archeological
to risk

Natural and recreational facilities in the North Kazakhstan Berlin , boar , Bayanaulsky Yereimentau , in the territory of the East Kazakhstan Zaisan , Nature, Kazakhstani Altai , Kazakhstan, South West, the land of the North Tien Shan , Altynemel mountains of the Seven Rivers Basin, Western Plateau , Mugalzhar theCaspian Depression, Ural region, Karkaralinsk , Kyzylarai in Central Kazakhstan ,Bektauata , Ulytau , etc. natural objects. At the same time, national parks and reserves in Almaty region play an important role in the development of tourism. These include the Ile-Alatau National Park, the gorges between the Turgen and Shamalgan rivers , the settlements of Turgen , Issyk , Talgar , Almaty, Kaskelen and Chamalgan . The development of tourism in Altynemel, Kokshetau and Borovoye national parks is supported and developed by the state. Prerequisites for the development of scientific and ecological tourism are also created in 9 state reserves on the territory of Kazakhstan.

Historical and archeological monuments have a special place in tourist excursions. Any objects of archeological monuments play an important role in tourist excursions. Including Saka mounds in Semirechye , Talkhiztown, Otrar in Southern Kazakhstan, Sairam, Saraishyk in Western Kazakhstan, etc. Instead of ancient cities, there is a lot of tourist interest. Burial mounds and mazars are the most important objects of archeological and historical monuments. Rock petroglyphs can be called monuments of the Bronze Age. These include the famous and unique temples: the temple of Eshkiolmes in the Tamgaly valley of the Anyrakai mountain, the river Koksu, as well as rock paintings in the mountains Sholak, Kindiktas, Bayanzhurek. The Saka burial mounds from the 6th to the 3rd centuries BC, the burial chamber in the Besshatyr necropolis and the “Golden Man” dressed in the Saka army uniform, the “Saka Queen” archeological site found in the Bergiel (Berel) burial mound of Katon-Karagai district of East Kazakhstan region in 2001-2002 are among the archeological tourist sites. MedievalTurkestan , Otrar, Turbay, Kulan, Merke, Talkhiz, Zharkent, etc. The settlements are modern tourist facilities.

Turkestan is the first capital of the Kazakh Khanate. The mausoleum of Hodja Ahmed Yassavi was built there, inside and around the mausoleum are buried Tauke , Tauekel , Zhangir , Esim, Ablai , Kazybek bi , the founders of the Kazakh state .

In Kazakhstan, Otyrar , Saraishyk , Sairam , etc. Medieval ancient cities are attractive objects for tourists.

Pilgrimage (religious) tourism facilities are common in the country. They include the holy city of Turkestan in the Turkic world, the mausoleum of Hodja AhmedYassavi, the Abab-Arab Mosque, the Diamond Cemetery, the tomb of Ali-Hodja, etc. applies. People come to these holy places to pray to God. In addition, the Company a. The mausoleum of Arystan Bab, the tomb of Ibrahim-ata, the mausoleum of Karashash-ana, the mausoleum of Ismail-ata are located in Turaba district. In Zhambyl region - the mausoleum of Aisha Bibi and Karakhan mausoleum, in Kyzylorda region - the mausoleums of Artyk, Aitman, BalkhashNear the lake - Tektau Ata, Auez baksy, etc. There are holy places. A sign of respect for the heroes and commanders of the Kazakh people's liberation struggle was displayed in memorials and monuments. These include the monuments of Raimbek and Karasai batyr (Almaty region), Otegen batyr in Kordai (Zhambyl region), Eset batyr in Aktobe, Agyntai and Karasai monuments in North Kazakhstan, Karakerei Kabanbai monuments in Astana , etc. applies. The plains of Ordabasy and Anyrakai estuaries, the meeting place of three zhuzs in Ulytau , Jochi and Alasha khan as historical placesmausoleums, the Independence Monument in Almaty, three dance monuments in Astana will be included in the list of tourist attractions. Among the valuable cultural monuments in Kazakh history are the mausoleums of Kozy Korpesh - Bayan Sulu , Enlik-Kebek , memorials of Sh. Valikhanov, K. Munaitpasovich, Sultan Beibarys, Kurmangazy and D. Nurpeisova, Abai, Abylaikhan, Aliya and Manshuk, A. Imanov, I. Zhansugurov, S. Seifullin, M. Auezov, etc. includes many memorable places.

There are several tourist bases in the beautiful places of the republic. Ile-Alatau " Shymbulak " ski lodge, Pavlodar region Age "on the shore of Lake Bayanaulsky Karagandy region ," mountain forest "," East Kazakhstan region Karkaralinsk BukhtarmaCape on the shore of the dam "Altai", Uralsk Kostanay region "Ural" near the river, forest - Nauryz valley, "South" in the Badam plain of Turkestan region , "Golden chalk" in the mountainous region of Kokshetau. There are many well-known zoological and botanical reserves in Kazakhstan. To themAlmaty Nature Reserve (complex), Ili delta (zoological), Tarbagatai (zoological), Zhaltyrkol (zoological), Ulytau (zoological), Betpakdala(zoological), Karakiya-Karakol (zoological), Zerendi (zoological) nature reserves, Charyn canyon (landscape - Paleontological) and “Cheten grove” (botanical), Silver coniferous forest (botanical), Zhamanshyk mountain (hemorrhagic), Aigaikum, Anshikum (geomorphological), Walnut grove (botanical), Burkittau hill and Tuma springs (hydrological) on Charyn river.


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