The eternal call of Issyk-Kul

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODТуризм 07-мар-2020, 10:26 0 403

Issyk-Kul is one of the largest lakes in the world. The natural attraction of Kyrgyzstan is called the precious pearl of Asia. The reservoir is located in the North-Eastern region of the Republic, surrounded by the Kungei-Alatoo and Terskei Alatoo mountain ranges belonging to the Tien Shan. In terms of water purity, it ranks second after lake Baikal. The high salt content and mild climate do not allow the lake to freeze even at sub-zero temperatures.

Issyk-Kul from the South is surrounded by high mountains of the Terskei range with a height of up to 5200 m, covered with steppe vegetation. In the North there are dense spruce forests. About 80 small tributaries flow into the lake. Most of them are formed due to the melting of glaciers, of which there are about 800 in the basin. In summer the lake's reservoir is replenished up to 40 percent of its volume due to ice movement.

In the West, a river called Chu runs quite close. It doesn't flow into the reservoir, but during spring floods, some of the water flows into the lake through the channels. The main geographical feature of Issyk-Kul is its location: the lake is located at 1608 m above the world ocean level.

Cosmonauts who have been on flights were surprised to find that this object is clearly visible from space. Soviet cosmonaut A. Leonov described the lake as an outline similar to the drawing of a human eye.

All the sources only flow into the Issyk-Kul, and no river flows out of it. Due to this feature, minerals accumulate in it, the unique chemical composition is therapeutic for humans. In terms of salinity, the reservoir surpasses all other lakes, but is five times inferior to sea water. The high value of the composition is due to the combination of elements: chloride, sodium, magnesium, and sulfate.

The waters are crystal clear and saturated with oxygen, similar in appearance to the ocean. Depending on the weather and lighting the liquid changes colors: from azure to rich blue.

In ancient Chinese treatises of the Issyk-Kul lake is described as "warm sea" is called Same high. Scientific interest of researchers in the lake appeared only in the middle of the 19th century. Russian scientists studied the natural resources of the reservoir. Przhevalsky N. M. bequeathed to bury his body on the picturesque shore.

On a sunny, clear day, you can see through the water the outlines of the ruins of the destroyed ancient city of the Scythians, which is about 2.5 thousand years old.

The remains of an unknown civilization were discovered in 2006 by archaeologists of the Slavic University. Scientists have suggested that the city was busy with trade, because it was located near the great silk road.

The Nature Of Issyk-Kul Lake 

The warm lake has become a home for many birds that come here for the winter. Some of them stop for the autumn, then go to warmer climes. Overwinter on the banks of the reservoir 50 thousand birds.

Among them are the most valuable species: goldeneye, cinder, long-tailed duck, herring gull, common pochard, tufted duck.

There are many varieties of edible fish in the water. Previously, the lake had a myriad of fry: chebak, diptychus, schizothorax. The appearance of large predators in the water area - walleye, rainbow trout, and fish parasites - reduced the number of small breeds.




An amazing feature of the coastal area is the air with the aroma of coniferous forests and herbs. Sometimes there are hurricanes: known for their ferocity – "Ulan" and "Santash". This phenomenon is due to the arrival of a severe Arctic cyclone. There are hurricanes 2-3 times a year, the wind speed at the peak reaches 40 m / s.

In warm weather, light coastal breezes and steppe winds blow. The climate advantage is the absence of sweltering heat, despite the high year-round solar activity. The duration of exposure to the sun here is 2965 hours.

Meadows and coasts are characterized by amazing plant diversity. The plains have a unique ecological system that combines field grasses, shrubs, and floodplain forests. There are cultivated lands and wild areas. From the height of the mountain ledges, you can see that the desert steppe is gradually replaced by small forest plantations and turns into green Alpine meadows.

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