Turgen gorge

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODТуризм 07-мар-2020, 10:17 0 452

Turgen gorge is also famous beyond the borders of Kazakhstan for its numerous subalpine and alpine pastures. The largest of them is the Asinskoe Dzhaylau, which is reached by a well-maintained 44-kilometer road along the Turgen gorge.

It turns South at the 56th kilometer of the Alma-Ata-Narynkol highway, at the entrance to the village of Turgen. At this intersection, the altimeter shows the mark of 1040 m above sea level. Turgen village is located at the foot of the mountains at an altitude of 900-1100 m above sea level.

At the entrance to it is a large grocery store and a modern dining room. Of the many very beautiful villages that are surrounded by greenery, gardens and vineyards along the ridge of the Zaili Alatau, Turgen village is characterized by special silence, clean beautiful houses and an abundance of fruit.

It is noted that the most humid part of the Zaili Alatau is its Central district - Alma-Ata, Talgar, Issyk. It is enough to move away from the city of Issyk to the East for only 12 km, and the climate becomes drier.

Above the Alpine meadows are glaciers and mountain passes through the Zailiysky Alatau and Kungei-Alatau ranges in the direction of lake Issyk-Kul. In this area there are the most convenient crossings over the mountains to Kyrgyzstan.

No wonder this area of the Zaili Alatau was called Asy, which means "pass". The beautiful and very long Turgen gorge, the beautiful road, the high-altitude pastures famous throughout the Tien Shan, the cool summer and the absence of harmful insects attract not only livestock breeders, but also vacationers to Asinskoe Dzhaylau.

Numerous flocks, beautiful yurts, green lush meadows against the background of mountains - this is a beautiful panorama of the upper part of the Turgen gorge. Finishing the description of this area of the Zaili Alatau, it is necessary to note the special importance for livestock breeders of the warmest, juicy and high-grass summer pasture of Tore-dzhaylau. It stretches above the apple-maple, birch-aspen and spruce forests on flat slopes of 5-7-kilometer strip for almost 30 km in the Malovodnensky gorge and to the East of it.

Tore-dzhaylau is one of the lowest and largest mountain meadows of the Zaili Alatau, its height is 1800-2000 m above sea level. Clean spruce trees grow above it  on very steep slopes , above which a huge mountain meadow - Asin-dzhaylau - and it is again spread out on the gentle slopes.

Such multiple alternations of large high-altitude pastures with mountain forests in other areas of the Zaili Alatau, and throughout the Tien Shan, are extremely rare. Vegetation on the Asin road along all these major dzhaylau and gorges burns out strongly, and in the neighboring Issyk gorge juicy grasses turn green.

In a much larger number in the Turgen gorge there are dry hummingbirds: Semenov maple, wild apricots, atraphaxis. If in the Issyk gorge spruce forests cover the slopes entirely from 1350-1400 m, then in the Turgen gorge the spruce belt begins from a height of 1650 m.

This somewhat increased dryness of the air and a large number of Sunny days are most favorable for people's health. the Turgen gorge is famous for its sanatorium "Tau-Turgen".

A source of warm radon water comes from a great depth. About 150 people improve their health every month in the sanatorium. It is located at an altitude of 1400-1500 m at a distance of 19 km from the main road on the left Bank of the turbulent and high-water river Turgen.

The houses successfully fit into the floodplain forest among the Tien Shan birches, poplars, willows, wild Sivers Apple and wild apricot. In the area of the sanatorium behind the stormy river to the East opens a kind of rare beauty view: a very steep rocky slope, the ridge of which is decorated with several steep, bizarre - shaped rocks-hills.

The beauty of these places was described by the classic of Kazakh literature Mukhtar Auezov. Wild apricot, honeysuckle, ephedra, and creeping juniper are found in places among inaccessible cliffs and rocky scree. To the West of the sanatorium, a steep, less stony slope is occupied by dry-steppe vegetation with single apricot trees.

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