Modern technologies of a new level that represent a new reality

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODТехнологии 16-сен-2020, 18:42 0 268

1. Futuristic shell. When you turn on the water, the sink from a flat shape takes the usual concave shape. The water seems to flow inside under the soft material, because the drain hole is not even visible. After the hands are washed and the water is turned off, the sink returns to the horizontal position, and the spray from the drops is wiped off with a special automatic roller. Interesting information: the project of a futuristic sink appeared thanks to the work of Turkish specialists about 10 years ago, but it was only recently used in interior design.

2. Nakefit. This unique invention will appeal to those who like to walk without shoes. Nakefit is a thin sticky insole that is comfortable to wear on the beach or in the water area of the pool. They are practically not felt on the leg, but at the same time they reliably protect from unpleasant sensations and cuts with sharp objects and stones. You can't even slip on wet tiles with them. Once you put on Nakefit, there is no need to constantly put on shoes and take off your shoes, there is freedom and carefree movements. Sticky insoles fit securely to the foot and do not move away from it even in water or during prolonged wear. Nakefit are not afraid of high temperatures and do not transmit them to the skin, so it will be much more comfortable to walk on hot sand. Under the insole, your feet stay clean and dry.

3. Tech Tats. Tech Tatts is a special project that can make a big difference in people's lives in the future. When it is fully implemented, there will be no need to make an appointment to the hospital. Applying a small tattoo once a year with special sensors that will collect all information about the functioning of the body, and send it directly to a medical facility. If there is a problem, the sensors immediately respond and capture data. An additional feature of Tech Tatts is data storage, so that you can use the innovative tattoo to pay in the store without a card.

4. Scuber. this incredible project involves comfortable and unusual trips under water. Scuber is a modern underwater taxi option. Everyone in Australia can enjoy the beauty of underwater life without special equipment and all sorts of training. The two-seat submarine Scuber is a pilot project that inspires further development. Ride it while the pleasure is not cheap: a trip for 1 hour at a depth of 30 meters for two will cost about 3000 dollars. But it is hoped that with the further development of technology, this opportunity will become more accessible to everyone.

5. Blue. This device was developed at the University of California, Berkeley. Robot Blue combines the latest features of artificial intelligence. It has the ability to learn in depth and solve very complex problems that have been exclusively subject to people for a long time. The problems with most modern robots are expensive costs and high accuracy due to repetitive movements. Blue is a more accessible robotic technology. It not only works flawlessly, but also looks quite nice and impressive: the size of the hands is comparable to the hands of a bodybuilder. The robot reacts dynamically and fairly quickly to the surrounding environment. Like humans, he uses sight and touch to make decisions. At every second of time, he calculates his power of action.


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