Architecture as an invention: why an architect needs a patent

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODТехнологии 17-июн-2020, 15:26 0 302
For an architect, a patented idea is not only a serious test of uniqueness, but also a finished product that can be sold and bought. Therefore, if you have a technical solution in the field of architecture and design that you plan to develop, with the help of investors or on your own, then you should protect your rights to it.
Architects of the ARCHITIME design group regularly patent their ideas and solutions. We at the arch:speech editorial office have figured out how and why to do this, as well as compiled step-by-step instructions.
Why does an architect need a patent
It makes no sense for the architect to patent each new appearance of the building, since when publishing in an open source, the copyright for the object is automatically created by the Creator. But not all buildings are impossible to implement with standard tools, some architectural ideas require unique technologies.
A levitating balcony, a teleport door, or just a unique facade solution designed for a specific project can become a real invention, the authorship of which will have to be proved and documented.
"It is important to understand that if you publish an invention without a patent, you give it to the whole world. Now your idea can be used by anyone, without additional permissions. A patent gives the author priority in a particular invention and secures the rights to it."
At the same time, an architectural patent does not just satisfy the author's self-esteem, but has a commercial meaning. This procedure can help the architect in finding potential investors: it makes the idea a finished product that can be transferred or sold.
Find a unique idea
The idea of a dynamic wall, developed by the ARCHITIME design group, was first shown as an art object at the BIF architecture festival in Moscow.
An interactive installation commissioned by the festival combines the theme of the year "Theater" and the theme "Love". The result was a fully interactive installation, where the movement of a wall with a painted red heart was accompanied by the sound of its beating. And if you put your hand to the living wall, the audience could even feel the characteristic knock.
After the festival, the animated brick wall with an imitation of the movement of fabric became part of the futuristic space of the Orbion in SKOLKOVO, and the authors decided to patent the idea on the basis of which the art object was created.
Patent an idea
According to the project of architects, bricks are strung on rotating rods. And thanks to a specially calculated angle, when the rods rotate, the wall creates a complex dynamic plastic, in which the image smoothly appears. The wall structure is driven by an electric drive that is similar in power to the window lifter drive of an ordinary car.
Since the authors used a real brick in the installation, this wall weighs more than a ton. But despite the impressive weight, the architects managed to reduce energy consumption to a minimum — the technology allows the art object to work even from a solar battery.
Dynamic wall is not the first such experience of the ARCHITIME design group. The patent history of the office began with the project "Space Generator" in 2012, and over the past 8 years, the architects have managed to conduct their ideas and developments through a standard scenario more than once.
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