What is sport?

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODСпорт 17-сен-2020, 23:06 0 286
Sport. Just one word, and how much it means! Sports-a certain type of activity of people aimed at achieving a given result in the physical development of a person.
Sport is an integral part of physical culture, in which the main focus is on the physical development of a person, strengthening his health and well-being.
Professional sport is the part of it in which athletes participate, aimed precisely at achieving a certain result in their physical activity, at achieving victory and new sports records. Sports competitions, including Olympic games, world Championships and Tournaments bring out the best athletes. Of course, every athlete's dream is to win the Olympic games, the largest world competitions that originated in Ancient Greece and later gathered participants from all over the world.
During its history of development, and the history of sports extends far,far into the past, starting almost from the stone age, a large number of sports have emerged in which everyone can realize their most outstanding abilities. Training in sports is provided by various sports organizations that specialize in various sports.
The development, promotion and popularization of sports are carried out by various Sports federations, Associations and Unions, although the main role in this is played by the Ministry of sports, tourism and youth policy of the Russian Federation.
Sports surround us almost from birth, in kindergarten, school, and Institute. Many choose it as their profession. And this contributes a lot to the huge and growing popularity of sports and sports lifestyle.
In sports, it is not always possible to do without injuries - this is a well-known axiom. It just so happens that the more actively a person moves, the more load he takes on, the more risk he exposes himself. Many sports, such as figure skating, even teach you how to fall correctly, so that when you fall, you are less likely to get injured. However, what should I do if I was seriously injured while playing sports? Let's try to figure this out and find out exactly how to provide first aid for the most common injuries.
Sprains happen quite often in the sports world. This occurs when the ligaments that connect the bones are damaged as a result of bruising or awkward movement. A swelling forms around the affected area, and after a while, acute pain begins. First of all, you should bring something cold to the damaged area, such as a wet cloth. To relieve the pain, it is necessary to bandage the damaged joint very tightly. As soon as this is done, you need to urgently take the victim to the clinic, where he will receive qualified assistance.
Often awkward movements lead to dislocations – in this case, the joint head POPs out of the joint cavity. Do not even try to set the joint in person, as this can lead to a worse situation. You should do the same as in the above case, that is, apply a cold cloth to the injured area, securely bandage it and take the victim to the hospital.
Although human bones have an increased margin of safety, however, fractures still occur. This happens mainly when the direction of the acting force goes across the direction of the bone crossbars. Bones in the extremities are most susceptible to fractures. In case of a fracture, you can not try to move a person yourself without giving him proper first aid.
You can distinguish a fracture by the appearance of abnormal movement of the bones, by their General shortening, by swelling and the appearance of blood. In this case, if the fracture is open, the bone itself, its sharp ends and characteristic irregularities in the broken place will be visible. Even with minimal pressure, you can hear a characteristic crunch. The victim experiences a sharp pain that increases with any movement. In this case, the limb cannot perform its natural functions. It is also worth remembering that open fractures are extremely dangerous for the introduction of various infections.
Begin to provide first aid for a fracture should be in order to prevent all threats to the life of the victim. Stop arterial bleeding and prevent traumatic shock. Apply a bandage to the wounds and ensure complete immobility of the limb. You can do this with a splint or improvised materials, for example, a Board, but if there is nothing suitable, you can attach bandages to a healthy part of the body – if the arm is damaged, then to the trunk, if the leg, then to the other leg. Do not try to bring the damaged bones to their original position and set them in the wound, this can only worsen the already bad situation. Also, do not try to remove the victim's clothing – if necessary, it is cut. Remember, the health and life of a person is much more important than the cost of any thing. The splint should be fixed to two joints above and below the fracture site, respectively. To reduce the pain from the pressure exerted, the tire should be wrapped in a bandage, and cotton wool should be placed in the places of protrusions.
In the case of fractures of the skull, the victim, as inoculated, is unconscious. In this case, it is likely that the brain was damaged, and therefore any transportation should be carried out very carefully. On a stretcher, a person is placed belly down, a soft cloth is placed under the face.
When the clavicle is broken, cotton-gauze rings must be applied to the upper arms and connected to the back. The hand should be hung on a kerchief. If there is a suspicion of bone displacement, then the rings should be abandoned and the hand should be fixed with the palm of the hand to the body with a bandage. Transportation of the victim in this case is possible only in a sitting position. Even a slight forward tilt can cause pain.
Rib fractures are particularly dangerous because sharp fragments can damage the lungs. The patient should try to exhale as much air as possible from the lungs and take shallow breaths. In this position, his chest is bandaged, after placing a sterile cloth in the case of an open fracture.
The most severe and terrible injury is a spinal fracture. In this case, each uneven movement can cost a person's life, and therefore it is recommended not to disturb the victim in any case and call an ambulance as soon as possible.

Перевод: Лебедева Милана

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