What education abroad can give

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODОбразование 02-окт-2020, 20:03 0 224
  1. High level of training

The best schools and universities in the world operate in the USA, Europe and some Asian countries. Diplomas from most Russian universities say little to a foreign employer - unlike a diploma from the Sorbonne, Cambridge or MIT. There are also lesser-known educational institutions with an excellent reputation: Louisiana State University has the best courses in the world in financial audit and the oil industry, and the University of Massachusetts Boston has one of the top business schools. Some subjects can be studied at the university level already at school. Private schools employ the best teachers: at St. Johnsbury Academy, for example, 70% of teachers have degrees from Brown, Harvard, Dartmouth and Johns Hopkins.


  1. Affordable internships and excellent career prospects

Education abroad is the first step towards building a vibrant international career. Foreign universities cooperate with the world's leading companies: from Washington State University you can go for internships at Boeing, Microsoft and Amazon.com, and from Goldsmiths University of London - to Yahoo! and the BBC. Students of the Les Roches Institute receive an average of 3 internship invitations per semester and, after graduation, easily find work in the best companies in the industry. Graduates of the Italian Polimoda Institute in 88% of cases find work within six months after graduation - and not just anywhere, but in Dior, Cavalli and Giorgio Armani.


American University Preparatory School students


Robotics Classes, Florida International University


  1. Specialties that are (almost) not taught in Russia

Business education, game design and multimedia, alternative energy and neurobiology - these areas are still underdeveloped or not developed at all in Russian universities. In terms of laboratory equipment and proximity to the cutting edge of science, foreign universities are far ahead of ours. For example, UMass Lowell University, which is part of MIT, has unique scientific programs in plastic engineering and meteorology, France's L'Institut Superieur des Arts Appliques is engaged in the creation of multimedia and digital art, and The University of Illinois in Chicago students conduct experiments in bioengineering.


  1. Education for life

If in Russia schoolchildren and students master a lot of theoretical knowledge, in the USA and European countries there is a different approach. Here the main goal of education is benefit, not erudition, status or diploma. Everyone pays attention not only to the grades, but also to how you are going to apply your knowledge. Students of Hult International Business School already during their studies create projects for the socio-economic development of regions - the winner of the competition receives $ 1 million to implement their ideas. And one of the students at the University of Central Florida recently founded the Limbitless Solutions project and is now creating bionic prostheses for disabled children right at the university.


  1. Flexible system for choosing a specialty

In the upper grades of an American school, students can create their own curriculum and prepare in advance for admission. You can study programming, statistics, business, painting and much more: the child has everything to try his hand at a variety of activities. For example, British Lincoln Academy students conduct marine research, digital media and engineering projects. Even after entering the university, you can change your specialty in any year of study - or just listen to the most interesting courses at neighboring faculties.


Education abroad is needed not only for building a successful career. It teaches you not to be afraid of failure, to correctly prioritize and look at the world wider.

What difficulties will you have to face


Few dispute the advantages of studying abroad, but isn't it too difficult, expensive and incomprehensible? Here are the main difficulties you will have to face when applying to a foreign university or school:


It is expensive

For a year of study at a private American school, on average, you will have to pay 50-60 thousand dollars, for a semester of study at a university - from 18 to 50 thousand. Sometimes scholarships and grants help, but even in this case, foreign education will require significant investments. You just need to remember that these investments will definitely pay off: it is more profitable to invest in education than elsewhere. The starting salary for graduates of The University of Illinois in Chicago, for example, is 71 thousand dollars, and for engineers who graduated from the University of California, Irvine can go up to 125 thousand.


Language barriers interfere

Explaining in English at the airport is one thing, but writing a 500-word essay on the prospects for the development of artificial intelligence is quite another. You will need to understand complex lectures, participate in discussions, make presentations and write research papers.


It's hard to choose where to go

Even if you already have a rough list of requirements and expectations, choosing a school or university is very difficult. In the United States alone, there are about 5 thousand universities and more than 34 private schools. There are a lot of selection criteria, and the ratings give only the most general picture. Where can I find a good computational linguistics program, and where is the best place to study engineering? What about the climate in this district, is the transport convenient and what is the food in the canteen? Details that seem insignificant can actually make a difference.


Red tape with documents

Translation of a diploma and certificate, motivation letters, recommendations, portfolio and visa - to study abroad you will have to go through many bureaucratic obstacles. All this must be done on time and without errors - otherwise you simply will not have time to enroll in the required program.


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University College London (UCL) campus


How an educational agency can help

For more than 17 years, IQ Consultancy experts have been helping students enter foreign schools and universities. Our task is to overcome all the obstacles that stand between you and admission.


Let's improve the language: The language school IQ Consultancy conducts various language courses, prepares for international language exams and is even an official TOEFL reception center. We teach both spoken English and English for study. After these courses, you will be able to understand lectures and terminology, write essays, read and analyze complex texts. We also have courses in subjects that are not in the Russian school, but in the British and American ones - for example, Critical Thinking.

We will help you to submit the documents correctly: Each educational institution has its own entrance requirements. We are familiar with all these subtleties - you don't have to waste your time on paperwork. IQ Consultancy experts will help you write a convincing motivation letter, prepare recommendations and copies of diplomas, apply for a visa on time, buy tickets and book accommodation.

We know how to choose an educational institution: IQ Consultancy is the official representative of more than 300 schools, universities and language centers in 20 countries of the world. We will help you choose an educational institution that suits you in terms of cost, location and educational programs. Every year we organize exhibitions and arrange individual meetings with representatives of schools and universities, who personally answer questions from parents and applicants.


Many would like to study abroad, but doubt: they are afraid of high requirements, a different culture, difficulties with exams and documents. Not all of these problems can be solved by an educational agency. But we will be able to provide all the necessary information, answer questions, organize a meeting with representatives of the school and university and introduce those who have already gone through this. Leave a request and we will help you make the most balanced decision.


Translator: Nurkabekova Alua


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