The role of knowledge in human life

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODОбразование 02-окт-2020, 19:49 0 225

  We live in a post-industrial society, where the most important factor of production is knowledge, today knowledge is most valued. Once the society belonged to the agrarian type, and land was held in high esteem, manual labor prevailed. Now everything has changed, society has become computerized, intellectual work is in demand, physical activity has faded into the background. Fresh and new ideas, creativity, logic and creativity - this is what a modern person should unite in himself. To become a sought-after and highly paid specialist, you need to be educated and well-read.


     Knowledge is the road to a bright future. As the saying goes: learning is light and ignorance is darkness. A person with knowledge will always find a worthy job for himself, he is competitive and appreciated in the labor market. An intelligent person is well accepted by society, he easily finds language with new people, he just finds a topic for conversation. It is pleasant to communicate with such a person, he can prove and argue his point of view.


     You need to gain knowledge throughout your life, engage in self-education, correct your knowledge and replenish your treasury with new material. A person who strives to establish himself highly and reliably in society is constantly trying to improve himself and his knowledge.


     Information is rapidly updated, in order to be comprehensively developed and informed, you need to update your knowledge and not stop at the achieved result. I believe that a student should strive to absorb the information that teachers present to him and look for its application.


Translator: Nurkabekova Alua

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