What education abroad can give

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODОбразование 02-окт-2020, 14:41 0 244
Cutting-edge scientific developments and technology startups, work in the best companies and the opportunity to travel around the world - education abroad opens many new doors. And that's why.1. High level of training
The best schools and universities in the world operate in the USA, Europe and some Asian countries. Diplomas from most Russian universities say little to a foreign employer - unlike a diploma from the Sorbonne, Cambridge or MIT. There are also lesser-known educational institutions with an excellent reputation: Louisiana State University has the best courses in the world in financial audit and the oil industry, and the University of Massachusetts Boston has one of the top business schools. Some subjects can be studied at the university level already at school. Private schools employ the best teachers: at St. Johnsbury Academy, for example, 70% of teachers have degrees from Brown, Harvard, Dartmouth and Johns Hopkins.
2. Affordable internships and excellent career prospects
Education abroad is the first step towards building a vibrant international career. Foreign universities cooperate with the world's leading companies: from Washington State University you can go for internships at Boeing, Microsoft and Amazon.com, and from Goldsmiths University of London - to Yahoo! and the BBC. Students of the Les Roches Institute receive an average of 3 internship invitations per semester and, after graduation, easily find work in the best companies in the industry. Graduates of the Italian Polimoda Institute in 88% of cases find work within six months after graduation - and not just anywhere, but in Dior, Cavalli and Giorgio Armani.
American University Preparatory School students
Robotics Classes, Florida International University
3. Specialties that are (almost) not taught in Russia
Business education, game design and multimedia, alternative energy and neurobiology - these areas are still underdeveloped or not developed at all in Russian universities. In terms of laboratory equipment and proximity to the cutting edge of science, foreign universities are far ahead of ours. For example, UMass Lowell University, which is part of MIT, has unique scientific programs in plastic engineering and meteorology, France's L'Institut Superieur des Arts Appliques is engaged in the creation of multimedia and digital art, and The University of Illinois in Chicago students conduct experiments in bioengineering.
4. Education for life
If in Russia schoolchildren and students master a lot of theoretical knowledge, in the USA and European countries there is a different approach. Here the main goal of education is benefit, not erudition, status or diploma. Everyone pays attention not only to the grades, but also to how you are going to apply your knowledge. Students of Hult International Business School already during their studies create projects for the socio-economic development of regions - the winner of the competition receives $ 1 million to implement their ideas. And one of the students at the University of Central Florida recently founded the Limbitless Solutions project and is now creating bionic prostheses for disabled children right at the university.
5. Flexible system for choosing a specialty
In the upper grades of an American school, students can create their own curriculum and prepare in advance for admission. You can study programming, statistics, business, painting and much more: the child has everything to try his hand at a variety of activities. For example, British Lincoln Academy students conduct marine research, digital media and engineering projects. Even after entering the university, you can change your specialty in any year of study - or just listen to the most interesting courses at neighboring faculties.
Education abroad is needed not only for building a successful career. It teaches you not to be afraid of failure, to correctly prioritize and look at the world wider.
Translator: Nurkabekova Alua, 301 group
Source: https://www.iqconsultancy.ru/articles/plyusy-i-minusy-uchyeby-za-granitsey/ 

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