Modular training in the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan - part 6

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODОбразование 30-сен-2020, 10:50 0 243
Modular teaching in the education system of the Republic The modern stage of didactics development provides modular teaching with the status of a "polyphonic" didactic system that accumulates the merits of integrating traditional and new pedagogical theories that allow reaching a new qualitative level of solving pedagogical problems. Despite the fact that the theoretical principles of modular learning technology are formulated quite definitely, I am convinced that further evolution of this didactic system is possible by improving its psychological, pedagogical and scientific-methodological support, without distorting, but generalizing and developing the concept of modular learning.
At present, the university has been placed in the position of the subject of the services market by socio-economic conditions. Distance learning is gaining popularity in this market. The technology of modular training fits perfectly into the scheme of organizing distance learning.
Distance learning is economically and socially expedient right now, in the conditions of the emerging market, which forms a certain contingent of potential users. These include those wishing to receive education in an additional specialty; employees of various public and private organizations undergoing retraining and advanced training. As you can see, the learners in the distance learning system are adults. At the same time, the use of pedagogical principles, worked out in the process of teaching children and adolescents, in my opinion, seems inappropriate. Therefore, as a fruitful direction for the development of the proposed scientific and pedagogical concept, we see the further development of the theoretical foundations of the technology of modular education, taking into account the principles of andragogy - a new branch of the science of man, considering the specifics of teaching adults.
The success of the introduction of modular teaching technology into the pedagogical reality of a university requires the development of an appropriate psychological support for this innovation. The lack of development of the theoretical aspect of the socio-psychological problem of the introduction of educational technology entails rejection of changes by teachers and unpreparedness for them by students. The creation of a theoretical model for the introduction of modular training technology into the practice of education will contribute to the formation of an acmeological professional position of a teacher, which determines the highest productivity of pedagogical activity.
So, the creation and implementation of modular programs allows you to change the structure of the content and terms of professional education in general, improves the forms and methods of monitoring its results, which ultimately increases the quality of professional competence of specialists.
Translator: Nurkabekova Alua, 301 group

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