Modular training in the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan - part 5

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODОбразование 30-сен-2020, 10:21 0 273
One of the main advantages of modular learning technology is the enhancement of students' learning activities. In my opinion, the process of enhancing educational activity is based on value orientations, which are largely formed by the technology of teaching, in this case by modular technology through rating control of the level of knowledge and skills. Under value orientations, in accordance with the definition given by N.V. Ivanova, she understands the system of aspirations of the individual, as well as her ideas about the meaning of activity, which constitutes the inner source of student self-activity. Value orientations express a specific understanding of the goals of the activity. On their basis, prestigious preferences and corresponding ways of behavior are formed.
At the same time, there are questions that are poorly developed, such as:
1. How to select content for a module?
2. How many modules should there be and what is their volume?
3. What are the principles for structuring the course? These questions arise due to the fact that researchers do not specify, for example, the number of modules, in most cases it is written that the number of modules should be at least three, and the maximum number is not specified at all. The content in the module is selected mainly in connection with the set goals, but then the module can be quite large or small. No researcher says that a module should correspond to the time allotted for it.
There are also some problems in organizing modular training. Avoid mechanical breakdown of “indivisible” training material into doses according to modules. The very development of a large number of individual training programs in many variants can put the teacher in a difficult position.
It should be noted that the main difficulty in implementing the created concept of using modular technology was expressed in the inertia of the established stereotypes of traditional education. The traditional pedagogical education system is inherently very conservative. The main guardians of the system's conservatism are teachers. Reorganizing their activities means changing their entire circle of professional consciousness. This is the main difficulty in introducing modular technology, despite the obvious effectiveness of the created conceptual and theoretical foundations. Nevertheless, the evolution of the pedagogical system is objectively natural. Modular training technology is the result of the evolution of the professional training system.
Translator: Nurkabekova Alua, 301 group

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