Modular training in the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan - part 3

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODОбразование 29-сен-2020, 14:29 0 270
The purpose of introducing a credit-modular system is to create flexible educational structures, both in content and in the organization of training, "guaranteeing the satisfaction of the needs that are present at the moment and determining the vector of new interest."The main task in the credit-modular education system is the selection of new forms and methods of teaching, which allow not only to give the necessary knowledge, but to include the student in the system of continuous professional education and self-education.
Each module of the educational program is focused on achieving a certain learning outcome, that is, competence.
All disciplines included in the module are built according to the principle of meaningful unity.
There are various schemes for building modules:
• horizontal layout;
• vertical layout;
• combined scheme.
In the “horizontal” module, all components of the discipline make an approximately equal and relatively independent contribution to the educational result. Disciplines are studied in parallel.
The "vertical" module includes consistently studied disciplines aimed at achieving a certain educational result, from fundamental and general professional to specialized narrowly applied. The development and implementation of modular educational programs presupposes the presence of constant feedback with the requirements of employers to the skills and knowledge of workers, which ensures the quality of training of future specialists. The modular competency-based educational program is in line with the concept of lifelong learning, since it aims to create highly qualified specialists who are able to adapt to the changing situation in the world of work, on the one hand, and continue professional growth and education, on the other. This approach to learning allows you to create a feeling of success in each student, which creates the very organization of the educational process, within which the student can and must manage his own learning, this teaches him to take responsibility for his own learning, and in the future - for his own professional growth and career ... Thus, the consumer will be satisfied with education, he can improve it throughout his life, responding to changes in the labor market.
Translator: Nurkabekova Alua, 301 group

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