Modular training in the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan - part 2

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODОбразование 29-сен-2020, 14:25 0 250
Today, modular training is one of the most holistic and systematic approaches to the learning process, providing a highly effective implementation of the didactic process.
Modular learning is the organization of the educational process, in which educational information is divided into modules (complete and independent units, pieces of information). Module - a block of information that includes a logically completed unit of educational material, a targeted action program and methodological guidance that ensures the achievement of the set goals, the content and volume of which may vary depending on didactic goals, profile and level differentiation of students, students' desires for choosing an individual trajectory movement along the training course. The concept of a module contains "such a volume of educational material, thanks to which the primary acquisition of some theoretical and practical skills for performing any specific work is provided."
Modular training is the most coherent, understandable and effective training technology that guarantees the quality of training competent specialists. Specialists trained in programs created using modular technology possess not only knowledge, but also the skills of the chosen profession and specialty: decision-making, performance of services and production work.
The combination of modules should provide the necessary degree of flexibility and freedom in the selection and assembly of the required specific educational material for training (and independent study) of a certain category of students and the implementation of special didactic and professional goals.
In accordance with the State Program for the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020, the tasks of improving the relationship with the labor market are set; increasing the competencies of graduates; updating content, methodologies and related learning environments. Competency-based modular programs support these challenges.
Competence-based approach: Competence is the aggregate level of knowledge, skills and professional training (competencies) acquired by the student in the learning process and for successful activities in a particular area. assignment of qualifications.
Credit-modular system: The credit-modular system is a model of the organization of the educational process, based on the unity of modular learning technologies and ESTS credits, as units of measuring the student's workload, necessary for mastering the content modules. The credit-modular system of organizing the educational process provides for: modular structure of the educational program; the use of credit units (credits) to assess the labor intensity; the use of point-rating systems for assessing knowledge; student participation in the formation of an individual curriculum; increasing the share of self-study in the educational process; increasing the flexibility of educational programs.
Translator: Nurkabekova Alua, 301 group

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