Modular training in the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan - part 1

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODОбразование 29-сен-2020, 14:21 0 220
In the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation N.A. Nazarbayev, the people of Kazakhstan were especially noted that knowledge and professional skills are the key guidelines of the modern system of education, training and retraining of personnel: “To become a developed competitive state, we must become a highly educated nation.
In the modern world, universal literacy is no longer enough. Our citizens must be ready to work on the most advanced equipment and the most modern production. "
Implementation of all the key points of the Address in the field of education and the phased implementation of the State Program for the Development of Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020. in fact determine the formation and content of the national qualified framework of levels of education. "
Today, all levels of education are institutionally provided with a network of relevant organizations, the content and structure of higher education are brought in line with the parameters of the Bologna process. There is a three-level system of higher and postgraduate education: Bachelor's degree - the level of higher education; magistracy, doctoral studies - postgraduate level of education. The implementation of the parameters of the Bologna Process includes an integrated approach to the modernization of various components, the main one of which is a qualitative revision of educational programs focused on learning outcomes. The educational program should be based on a competency-based approach that ensures personal and professional socialization in the learning process.
Modular training, the general provisions of which were formulated in the late 60s. XX century in the USA, emerged as an alternative to traditional teaching, integrating many progressive ideas accumulated in pedagogical theory and practice.
Traditional forms of training in the system of technical and vocational education are focused on the data of students upon admission to an educational institution, while it is necessary to focus on learning outcomes upon graduation, i.e., on learning outcomes that increase the competitiveness and employment of graduates in the labor market.
Translator: Nurkabekova Alua, 301 group

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