Inclusive education is a necessity of life – part 3

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODОбразование 28-сен-2020, 17:11 0 231
Thus, in schools operating in the context of inclusive education, it is necessary to regulate the content of education in three different programs. In particular: standard curricula for general schools; special education programs for children with disabilities in accordance with the types of disabilities; individual training program developed taking into account the psychophysical characteristics of children with disabilities. The issue of inclusive education abroad dates back to the 1970s, and by the 1990s, the United States and Europe had fully incorporated the program into their education policies. The official data on the development of inclusive education in our country is reflected in the "State Program of Education Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2010-2020."
Inclusive education - basic principles:
1. The value of a person is determined by his abilities and achievements, to the best of his ability.
2. Everyone is able to feel and think.
3. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State.
4. Everyone needs each other.
5. Education is carried out within the framework of real communication.
6. All people need the support and friendship of their peers.
7. Achieving success for each student is to do what they can.
8. Diversity expands the scope of human life.
Inclusive orientation helps children with disabilities to succeed in school and create opportunities for a better life. Content of inclusive education: The content of education in inclusive schools should be regulated by 3 different programs:
* standard curricula for general schools:
* individual educational programs developed in accordance with the types of disabilities of children with special educational programs, taking into account the psychophysical characteristics of children with disabilities
I am currently working with my inclusive students. While working with that class, I realized the need for inclusive education. Each student has his own peculiarities in education. For example, it should be borne in mind that each student has a different level of development of emotional and mental cognitive processes. Children with disabilities in secondary schools face significant difficulties in mastering learning materials, lack of individual approach, lack of special correctional, psychological, pedagogical, social support and social skills.
Inclusive education allows all children to take an active part in school and school life in preschool. Inclusive education defines the equal rights of students and allows them to participate in team activities. Allows you to develop the necessary skills to communicate with people. Inclusive education is the development of a general educational process that provides education for children with special needs, taking into account the needs of all children. Inclusive education seeks to develop new areas of teaching and learning to meet the needs of children in the learning process. If changes in inclusive education are effective in teaching and learning, so will the situation of children with special needs. Children in schools that have opened inclusive education will have the opportunity to learn about human rights. Inclusive education includes the full inclusion of children in the general educational process and special support for the correctional, pedagogical and social needs of children, the creation of conditions for adaptation of children to the age characteristics of the environment, ie general effective policy that preserves the quality of education.
In short, today, considering each student as an individual, conscious upbringing is a requirement of quality education. I support the principle of "equal opportunities for all", "quality education for all".
Translated: Nurkabekova Alua, 301 group

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