Inclusive education is a necessity of life – part 3

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODОбразование 28-сен-2020, 15:02 0 244
The main disorders of mental development are low levels of intellectual development, ie attention, memory, thinking, spatial orientation. Due to these reasons, children with mental retardation (PDT) have lower academic performance. The failure of these children to study is clearly seen at the age of seven or eight. If parents do not want to send their children to auxiliary or special schools and boarding schools, psychological and pedagogical correctional rooms and correctional classes, they have the full right to study in general education schools with a simplified program recommended by PMPK. Secondary schools and kindergartens should be prepared for the upbringing and inclusive education of children with disabilities with a simplified program, depending on the level of the child, according to the results of the PMPK. Special psychologists, social teachers, oligophrenic teachers, speech therapists work in inclusive schools. If the child has fully mastered the utility program, he will be issued a special certificate, and if not, he will receive only a certificate. If the parents do not want to send their child to a special boarding school, they are obliged to provide inclusive education in a local general school on a simplified program, depending on the capabilities of the child with disabilities.
Inclusive education - allows all children to take an active part in preschool, school and school life; defines the equal rights of students and allows them to participate in team activities; allows you to develop the necessary skills to communicate with people. In order to organize the education of children with disabilities, a standard special education program was developed. It provides general education processes that take into account the needs of children and ensure their education. Inclusive education seeks to develop new areas of teaching and learning to meet the needs of children in the learning process. If changes in inclusive education are effective in teaching and learning, so will the situation of children with special needs. Children in schools with inclusive education have the opportunity to learn about human rights. Because they learn to communicate with each other, to know, to accept.
Translated: Nurkabekova Alua, 301 group

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