Inclusive education is a necessity of life – part 2

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODОбразование 28-сен-2020, 13:06 0 248
Inclusive education is used to describe the learning process of children with special needs in secondary schools. Therefore, inclusive education is based on the ideology of eliminating any discrimination against children, ensuring equal treatment of all people, as well as the creation of special conditions for children with special educational needs. This direction contributes to children's academic success and creates a better life. The right to education of children with disabilities is enshrined in the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Rights of Children", "On Education", "On Promotion of Social, Medical and Pedagogical Correction of Children with Disabilities", "On Special Social Services" and the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Inclusive education or "education for all" program - allows all children to take an active part in preschool, school and school life. This program was approved by the United Nations General Assembly and included in the UN Convention on December 13, 2006.
Inclusive education is the ability of children to receive quality education and develop their potential, regardless of gender, age, geographical location, physical and mental status, socio-economic status. Inclusive education is a unique opportunity that takes into account the needs of all children. development of the general educational process that provides education for children with special needs. Inclusive education seeks to develop new areas of teaching and learning to meet the needs of children in the learning process. If changes in inclusive education are effective in teaching and learning, so will the situation of children with special needs. Children in schools with inclusive education have the opportunity to learn about human rights as they learn to communicate, learn and interact with each other.
Inclusive education - the full inclusion of all children in the general educational process and social adaptation, elimination of barriers that separate children, regardless of gender, origin, religion, status, encourage parents to be active, special support for correctional - pedagogical and social needs of children. creation of conditions for adaptation to the peculiarities and educational needs, ie, the state policy aimed at effective teaching while maintaining the quality of general education.
Translated: Nurkabekova Alua, 301 group

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