Study in Switzerland.

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODОбразование 17-июн-2020, 15:18 0 249
Education in Switzerland is associated with prestige and elitism. Indeed, those who are used to getting the best come here.
Among European countries, Switzerland has the highest level of investment in education from the state. At the same time, educational institutions have full autonomy, which allows them not only to follow modern trends in education and research, but also to form them.
It is generally accepted that the best schools in the world are located in Europe. The 15 most prestigious and expensive schools in the world, according to the Forbes rating, are Swiss and British, with the first 9 being Swiss schools. 10 and 11 places - of the British. But there are also significant differences between studying in Switzerland and Britain, which a caring parent must take into account.
The best educational standards are the British, Swiss and another interesting international education system developed and widely used in Switzerland - the international baccalaureate (IB). For all their differences, they are leaders in secondary education. At the same time, studies in Switzerland can follow any of these standards, but in England there is only a national standard.
This means that studying in Switzerland opens the doors of any universities in the world, and studying in England-only British and Commonwealth universities.
Languages: studying in Switzerland means fluency in 2-3 foreign languages, while in England Your child will only speak English.
In Britain, the teaching process is based on discipline, here rather inculcate the habit of learning. Living conditions are quite Spartan, nothing superfluous. In Switzerland, they teach you to be interested, hone your erudition and creativity. And the atmosphere in Swiss schools is quite family-friendly both in relation to students and in terms of comfort of living. The learning process for teachers in Switzerland is just a creative
approach to understanding the world, and the main value is personal freedom and interest. Switzerland is the birthplace of progressive pedagogy.
Cultural and social assimilation and integration of foreigners in England - a thing unattainable: you can live all your life in this country and remain a foreigner. In Switzerland, due to the absence of a titular nation, there is no xenophobia, a child who has finished school in this country is easily assimilated, becoming a local. Any harassment of children on national grounds in Swiss schools is unthinkable!
Sports: in Swiss schools, compared to British ones, there are more sports classes, a wider list of opportunities: from daily skiing to sailing.
Switzerland has a much more favorable visa regime: obtaining a study visa or residence permit is much easier than in England.
Studying in Switzerland provides the possibility of naturalization (obtaining citizenship), in England - no.
The climate is also different: if the child is not in good health, it is preferable to go to Swiss schools. It's too cold and damp in England.
Historically, in great Britain, the main goal was to raise a generation capable of maintaining the status of a great Empire, while in Switzerland, it was to enable the offspring to properly manage the family capital. Switzerland does not display the names of its students, as well as the names of Bank depositors. This is why Swiss schools do not participate too actively in the rankings, unlike British competitors, although, as practice shows, this does not interfere with them at all. In addition, ratings concerning secondary education are usually national, while international ratings are almost non-existent. There is only a PISA rating, according to which Switzerland's performance is superior to the UK.
In General, Swiss schools outperform British schools in terms of comfort. All conditions are created for studying and living in Switzerland. The price - quality ratio of Swiss schools is optimal. Higher education in Switzerland is free of charge, in contrast to the very expensive education in universities in England.
Перевела: Ушурова Ясмина

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