Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODОбразование 23-май-2020, 01:08 0 280

The university trains foreign language teachers and specialists in the field of international relations for universities and schools. Lectures are given in 17 languages. 7 faculties (full-time and part-time, evening, distance learning) training 23 different specialtiesthere is. There is also a linguistic college, a college-lyceum of international tourism management, educational centers, a teacher training institute, four research centers and research institutes, dissertation councils, master's and postgraduate programs. The staff of 40 departments, more than 500 teaching staff, including 3 academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 48 doctors of sciences, professors, about 200 candidates of sciences take part in the educational process and research work. In the framework of international cooperation, the United States , France , Germany , Great Britain , Spain , Belgium , Japan , Korea, Turkey , China , etc. There are direct contacts with embassies of countries, exchange of students and teachers with 16 foreign universities and educational centers, and annual internships. In connection with the introduction of new educational technologies, more than 30 electronic textbooks are being developed and used in education. There are Internet classrooms and several electronic reading rooms, 3 computer classrooms, 3 educational and research laboratories.Abylai Khan Kazakh International University and WLU are represented by 14 prestigious international associations: the International Association of Universities (UNESCO), the Eurasia-Pacific Unity Association, the Three International Associations for Tourism (ATLAS, AMFORTH, the International Academy of Sciences, the European Academy of Sciences). , Association of Schools of International Relations (MGIMO), MSLU Association, Association of European Language Councils (ELC), Consortium of Humanities Universities of the SCO Member States, Consortium of Linguistic Universities of the EurAsEC Member States, Consortium of Consortia ) is a member of the International European Association (EAITE).Six specialties of the University have been internationally accredited by the International Agency for Educational Programs AKAS to assess the quality of educational programs. International accreditation determines the nature and specifics of the institution, the amount of specialized knowledge it offers, reflects the traditions and values of the university, identifies its advantages. For KazUF and WLU, accreditation is a tool for self-regulation, improving the quality of education, public awareness, compliance with all requirements of international standards.

  ПЕРЕВЕДЕНО:Абдирахман Лаурой
  ИСТОЧНИК:Университеты в Казахстане

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