5 steps to defining your personal style

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODКрасота 05-сен-2020, 19:48 0 282
5 steps to defining your personal style
Personal style is an elusive beast at best. Apart from the fact that it is constantly evolving, we are sure that you also appreciate several different styles. But which one is really talking to you?
Regardless of where you are on the path to perfecting your personal outlook on fashion, there are certain steps you can follow to hone it. We've identified the steps to help you find the look that best suits your fashion personality.
1. Find a menagerie of the spirit of your style
Likely to find the only style icon that defines you? Most people are more like a mix, think a little about Selena Gomez with a dose of Bella Hadid and some Rihanna. To find out who your main influencers are, start by searching on Pinterest for “style icons” and save the images that appeal to you. You will start to see a collection of duplicate people (your style menagerie) that you can turn to for inspiration.
2. Find the winners.
Do you feel those special days when you walk out the door feeling the most stylish? Take a quick photo for future reference. These are outfits that represent your true personal style and should serve as inspiration for complementary outfits.
3. Pay attention to repetitions.
Do you have a closet full of striped T-shirts or boots? There is a reason why there is too much of a certain item in your closet. You buy these things over and over again because they make you happy and comfortable. They are the sweet spot for your style. If this item suits you and works to suit your current style, we advise you to stop these repeat offenders. Try changing your wardrobe if you think it has become too drab and monotonous. The market provides us with a variety of clothing options for every sense of style.
4. Identify the redundant part.
Take a close look at your closet and notice one or two things that don't suit the overall atmosphere. Is there a bohemian embroidered blouse among the sea of button-down collared shirts? This is your choice. Chances are, your weird thing symbolizes a style that you like, but trying to repeat looks is not quite right to create a great style. If you want to perfect your look or try something new, think about how you can combine a certain item with any accessory.
5. Know yourself
And most importantly, you must always remember that you must feel comfortable in the clothes you choose. You should not chase fashion, forgetting about your personal comforts. Find a few pieces that make you feel confident and stylish.
Translated by: Azhgaliev Erik

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