Furniture fittings for bedrooms, hallways, bathrooms, toilets

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODИнтерьер 04-окт-2020, 12:09 0 378
Furniture accessories are an integral part of any product, regardless of purpose, dimensions and design features.Any fittings perform a number of functions:
reliable fastening of all structural elements to each other;
implementation of high-quality work of movable furniture elements (boxes, facades);
aesthetic appeal (we are talking about external front fittings);
 increasing the functionality of furniture.
 Depending on the type of product and its design features, the qualitative and quantitative composition of the fittings may vary.
The most widespread are furniture components for such areas:
 hallway or corridor;
 Each of these rooms assumes the presence of certain types of furniture - from small cabinets to wardrobes and beds.In order not to duplicate the general fittings in each direction, we will not consider fasteners (self-tapping screws, confirmations, decorative plugs and other elements that are found in any type of cabinet furniture).
In order to understand some of the differences between fittings for different types of furniture, let's look at each direction in more detail.
 These are the first rooms that meet us at the entrance to a house or apartment.  The specificity of the hallway is that in a rather limited area it is necessary to place several pieces of furniture - a wardrobe or a hanger for seasonal clothes, a place for comfortable changing shoes and storing shoes.
Furniture hallways are a separate category of goods, where all functional elements are collected in a single complex, including not only storage space for clothes and shoes, but also additional drawers for small things and mirrors for a comfortable dressing process. The shoe cabinet is one of the key elements after the closet.  It can be of various configurations and capacities.
 Shoe rack fittings are special plastic structures (cassette racks) that allow the front to open downwards, at the same time turning it into a compact niche for several pairs of shoes.
Also, do not forget about furniture legs, which can be made of different materials, but always function as supporting elements of any configuration.
The most widespread are the following furniture fittings for hallways:
accessories for hangers (hooks in the hallway of various configurations);
fittings for cabinets (depending on the type of cabinet, a sliding system or furniture hinges can be used to connect swing doors with the product body);
internal filling.  These include various drawer slides, outerwear bars and various complex pantograph mechanisms.
 Furniture fittings for the bedroom
The key furniture for every bedroom is a bed, a chest of drawers and a wardrobe.  The furniture fittings for the bedroom in relation to the wardrobes partially overlap with the fittings for the hallway, therefore they will not be mentioned in detail.
 It is worth mentioning the special bed lifters, which are very often used.  They raise the mattress so that a person has free access to the volumetric niche underneath.  It is a great storage solution for bedding that does not take up space.
Mechanisms for lifting the bed can be made on a spring traction or they use pneumatic lifting force and special gas lifts.
Consider the issue of a combined bathroom, where there is a bath (shower) and a toilet in one room.
Regardless of the shape and size of the room, in the vast majority of cases there is special furniture inside - cabinets or narrow tall cases for storing household chemicals and various accessories.
Bathroom furniture fittings are a large group of products that include furniture handles, hinges, shelf holders and special mirror fixtures.
Furniture fittings for the toilet are of high quality, because the components must serve for a long time in a room where temperature drops and a very high level of humidity constantly occur.
The ideal materials are various polymers as well as stainless steel and aluminum.
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