Upholstered furniture production technology

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODИнтерьер 04-окт-2020, 11:52 0 409
Most buyers of upholstered furniture, choosing the most optimal model for themselves, turn their attention to its design.They are not at all concerned with the technology of upholstered furniture production itself.Potential owners of soft corners, cozy sofas and armchairs are worried about only one question: "how will this furniture fit into their interior?"  In doing so, they focus on color, upholstery and dimensions.  They also do not forget about whether the sofa will unfold comfortably.
When buying office upholstered furniture, clients are interested in its color and style.  Everything seems to be taken into account.  Evaluating a sofa by its appearance is a misconception.  What is inside it: the folding mechanism, the spring block, the fillers are also very important points.  In no case should we lose sight of them.
The furniture for sitting and lying includes sofas, armchairs, couches, chairs, sun loungers, and banquets.  All this furniture can be made with either a hard or a soft seat.  But upholstered furniture includes those products in which there are springs, various fillers and pillows.
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Technologies for the production of various types of upholstered furniture
The most popular type of this product is the sofa.   A special transforming mechanism is used here, which turns it into a bed.
All sofas share a common component structure:
Frame.  This is the main structural element that performs the main strength functions.   All other parts of upholstered furniture are attached to it.  In its manufacture, manufacturers use various materials: metal, chipboard, fiberboard, cardboard or wood.  To connect all structural elements in the production of a wooden frame, a furniture frame bracket is used, which is made of steel wire, as well as screws, bolts, self-tapping screws and studs.  All sheer joints are additionally glued with a special adhesive based on polyvinyl acetate dispersion (PVA).  All this is able to guarantee high strength and durability of the frame structure itself.
Elements of softness.  This is the surface on which the soft elements are laid.  They can be rigid, resilient, and flexible.   Rigid ones are made of plywood, fiberboard or chipboard.  Flexible ones are based on fabric, rubber bands and bent-glued wooden plates (lat).   Elastic bases of armchairs and sofas are made using spring blocks.  The base of the softness elements is an integral part of the furniture frames.   Their purpose is to shape the appearance of the product, impart a feeling of comfort and convenience during the entire period of operation.  Synthetic down, springs, high-volume nonwovens, elastic polyurethane foam (foam rubber) can be used as a soft filler.
Transformation mechanism.  The sofa bed is more of a necessity than a tradition.  To transform such furniture from the “sofa” position to the “bed” position, various transformation mechanisms are used: a book, a dolphin, a eurobook, an accordion and others.
Cover with upholstery fabric.  It covers almost the entire surface of the product, finally forming its appearance.  The cover is that part of the furniture with which a person directly contacts during the operation of the furniture.  It takes on a huge amount of stress, subject to abrasion.  The technology for the production of upholstered furniture, in particular, the cover, involves breaking it into separate parts, which are subsequently sewn together.  For design reasons, this solution gives the appearance of the finished product.  After all, a fabric is a plane that should bend around various volumetric surfaces.  The cover is fastened to the furniture frame using special brackets.
Supports.  They are designed to perform two main functions: to protect furniture during transportation or movement, as well as as a decoration.  In most cases, plastic supports are used.  On some models, you can find supports in stainless steel or chromed metal.
 Upholstered furniture occupies about 15 percent of the entire Russian furniture market.   Its manufacture is a rather attractive field of activity.  This is especially true for medium and small businesses.
The production of upholstered furniture is increasingly taking on the form of custom production.
Most of the work is done manually, so there is no need to purchase expensive high-tech equipment.  A small such business can very easily and quickly adapt to any fashion trends and changes in the tastes of potential buyers.
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