Children's workplace in 5 steps

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODИнтерьер 25-сен-2020, 17:40 0 291
Ideas for homes and cottages 8 minutes 2898 there is a direct relationship between the effectiveness of the child's training and the convenience of his workplace. Moreover, the health of the baby's vision and spine depends on the furniture and lighting. Our step-by-step help with a selection of photo examples will help you organize and create a children's workplace correctly. The material will be useful for parents of first-graders, as well as Junior and senior students. Step 1. Planning the arrangement of furniture: the first thing you need to do is decide where and how the Desk will stand. The workplace should be isolated from the playing area, and most importantly – located near the window. The photo below shows an example of zoning a children's room into educational and residential parts of the building. The ideal position of the table is when it is facing the window with the left end, if the child is right-handed. And the right end — if left-handed. At the same time, it is desirable that the wall is behind your back, and not in front of your eyes. Another good option is to place the workplace along the window and so that the child is sitting facing it. How do I put two jobs in one room? Here are a few options for placing furniture: Single-row scheme (two tables stand side by side in one row, which can be interrupted by furniture or aisle); Parallel (two tables stand opposite each other side by side or at a distance, the guys can sit with their faces or backs to each other); L-shaped scheme (one or two tables can be used, placed respectively). In the next selection of photos, you can see examples of the design of a children's workplace for two children. Step 2. Choosing a table an Important criterion for choosing a study table is the correct size. The basic rule of selecting the height of the table is as follows: the table top should be below the chest level by a couple of centimeters, so that the child can easily lean his elbows on it, while not slouching. If the baby's height is less than 120 cm, then the height of the table top should not exceed 52 cm. With a height of 120-150 cm, a table with a height of 52-61 cm is suitable. A child can start using a standard 75 cm high table when they grow up to 150 cm. The ideal table for a student is a transformer table with an adjustable height and a 15° tilt of the table top (pictured below). You can use this "transformer" for a long time, changing the height as the child grows. What should be the depth and length of the countertop? The depth should be 50-60 cm. The length of a single table must be at least 60 cm for a first – grader and 80 cm for a high school teenager. Accordingly, a double table for two children should have a length of 120 cm, 140 cm or 160 cm. By the way, for older children, you need to choose a table of such length that in addition to notebooks and textbooks, it can accommodate a laptop or, say, a printer. For example, the table can be double or just have a more spacious table top to put the laptop aside during lessons. Another option is an L-shaped table, the short sidewall of which is intended for working on a laptop or placing a printer. To accommodate a laptop computer, it is better to buy a separate table with a sliding panel for the keyboard. As for materials, it is better to choose a wooden or metal table for the children's work area. A table made of chipboard of formaldehyde emission class E1 is also a good economy option, which will just fit as a temporary solution until the child grows up for an "adult" table. But give up the glass table – they are too noisy, slippery, cold and seem fragile. In choosing the design and design of the study table, it is best not to experiment and choose a standard rectangular or L-shaped Desk with 4 legs with or without a back panel. However, if the nursery area is too small, then here are the decisions you can make: convert the window sill into a workplace, replacing the usual countertop with a deeper one. It is important to make holes in it for the passage of warm air from the radiator to the window. Otherwise, the Windows will fog up and may cause mold. Also, it is important to choose a chair of the appropriate height and a footrest for the window sill if necessary. The following photos show examples of window sill conversion into a children's workplace. A corner table that is often sold with additional modules – shelves, drawers, and cabinets. A folding table that is attached to the wall and can be folded if necessary. A Desk in a Bureau – the top of which can be folded back and closed if necessary, while the lower and upper cabinets are intended for storing things. Step 3. Choosing a chair the Chair is also important to choose correctly. Make sure that the child's knees are bent at a 90° angle while sitting, and that the feet are fully touching the floor. The distance from the table top to the chair seat should be from 20 to 30 cm, depending on the student's height. If the chair is too high, you can put a stand or a stack of large books under your feet. But it is best to buy a height-adjustable chair. And, of course, the student needs to explain that you need to sit at the table straight, without falling to the sides, back or on the table. At the same time, a distance of 8 — 10 cm should be maintained between the breast and the edge. Step 4. creating the right lighting so, the furniture and place of the children's workplace have been selected, it's time to think about artificial lighting. The table lamp should have an adjustable design, a lampshade or plafond (preferably white), as well as an incandescent or 60-Watt led bulb with a matte white coating (example in the photo). Halogen and fluorescent light bulbs should be discarded. Remember the rule: if the child is right-handed, the lamp should be on the left, and if left-handed, on the contrary, on the right. Do not forget that in the evening, the room should Shine and other light sources – wall sconces, floor lamps or ceiling chandeliers with not too bright light. So, the light in the room will be uniform and soft, and the child's eyes will not strain from the contrast of lighting. If the child's Desk is in a dark place, for example, under the attic bed (as in the photo) or just far from the window, then the table lamp should be turned on during the day. Step 5. We organize the storage system and buy accessories. Now you need to plan places for things so that there is nothing superfluous on the table, while every detail is easily accessible. The main principle of storage organization: the more often a thing is needed, the closer it should be to the child sitting at the table. It is better to store various small items in boxes in transparent plastic containers. For example, markers and colored pencils in one, and paper clips, tape, etc. – in the other. For convenience, boxes and containers can be signed — so it will be easier for the child to learn how to keep order and find the right things. To store a school mini-library (reference books, anthologies, dictionaries, etc.), you can use side lockers or hang an open shelf above the table. On another top shelf, you can store not student items, but, say, medals, certificates, photo frames, a globe, a houseplant, etc. On the table should always be: a Table lamp; an organizer for pens and office supplies; a Clock to arrange ten-minute breaks; a stand for books. And under the table, you can allocate space for a trash can. And a tip: add a little comfort so that the child likes the workplace, and study and creativity arouse interest, the work area in the children's room should be slightly personalized. Of course, too much decor is not necessary here, but in a small amount and a neutral color scheme, some accessories will not hurt, but only add comfort.
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