Secrets of hallway design

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODИнтерьер 25-сен-2020, 17:26 0 286
Hallways both in private homes and in small apartments do not differ in size. Therefore, when thinking through the design of this room, you can use a couple of tricks that will make the room more spacious and attractive :Do not use a dark color to finish a small space. It is better to choose either smooth Wallpaper or fine decorative plaster of light or pastel shades. It is better to leave the ceiling traditionally white. This brevity can then be compensated for when choosing a brighter and more effective furniture. If you choose a floor with a pattern, then give preference to a cover with a small print or horizontal motifs. The color should be several shades darker than the walls, but not too dark.Choosing a hallway without mistakes. To properly designed interior must be properly selected and furniture, so as not to disrupt the overall harmony of the room. In order to get the maximum effect, let's look at a few General nuances of choosing a hallway: when choosing a set, consider the dimensions of the corridor. If this room of unusual shape or size, then give preference to the manufacture of furniture under the order. The versatility of the furniture will help to save free space not only in the corridor itself, but also to relieve other rooms as much as possible. Even with the smallest room, you need to take into account the width of the Cabinet, so that due to the fact that it is narrowed, its stability is not lost. Choose a model with a width of at least 40 cm. Instead of a Cabinet with the usual swing doors, give preference to a wardrobe. Such a system in the open state will not block the space of the corridor. If the Cabinet doors are mirrored, it will automatically perform both a decorative function and a useful one. Do not skimp on accessories, because the furniture in the corridors is actively used. Good hardware will help increase its service life.Pay attention to the presence of a Shoe Cabinet when completing the hallway. This element will allow to avoid mess. Especially if your family consists of more than two people. You can choose a Cabinet with a seat, which will facilitate the process of putting on shoes. Consider the height of the corridor ceiling. Standard furniture has certain dimensions, designed for a room with a ceiling height of 2.5 meters. If the ceilings of your corridor are much higher, it is better to choose higher modules. You should also pay attention to the materials that can be used to make a hallway. Here you need to take into account that the surface of the furniture must be made of materials that can easily tolerate frequent cleaning. The entrance hall is a kind of bridge between the street and the house, so a lot of dust accumulates there.
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