Home textiles

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODИнтерьер 16-сен-2020, 11:47 0 281
Surely everyone at least once in his life wanted to change the decor, update the room, free up space and add more light, or, conversely, fill the room with all kinds of accessories and interior details.When a question arises about changing or adjusting the design, the desire to add more comfort to the room immediately awakens.  Home textiles are such an integral part of the interior.Textile rightfully occupies one of the dominant materials, because with its help any room acquires an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.Types and features of home textilesVarieties of home textiles:bed linen - sheets, blankets, pillows and pillowcases,kitchen sets - tablecloths, napkins, curtains;bath accessories - towels, rugs;sets for the living room and bedroom - curtains, openwork furniture covers, etc.I would like to note that home textiles should be divided according to the types of style.For example, pretentious lace curtains will look silly in a room in which everything is close to the minimalism or loft style.  At the same time, laconic, designed in the same design as the room, curtains for the living room or bedroom will come in handy.A popular option today is such a procedure as buying wholesale home textiles.  This is beneficial for private entrepreneurs or large enterprises selling the sale of this product.Permanent partners are offered cooperation on favorable terms.  The discount will depend on the purchase volume.The role of curtains in the interior of the houseTextile stores actively offer customers such a choice of interior details as curtains.  This is exactly the design element that cannot be overlooked and cannot be dispensed with. Curtains or tulles are needed not only for a beautiful interior design, but also for the feeling of protection from irritants of the outside world.With the onset of darkness, you do not want everything that happens in the house to be "put on display", and therefore the curtains are so necessary in the correct design of the living space.Moreover, bare windows cause a feeling of discomfort and are repulsive to guests of the house.During the selection of curtains, so-called details do not exist.  It is important to consider absolutely everything.When planning the purchase of curtains, it is necessary to consider:size and location of windows;the height of the ceilings;interior decoration of windows.Curtain shops are annually replenished with new collections.  Leading designers from all over the country offer their own variations on the choice of home textiles.  It can be as sophisticated, classic-style curtains, and bright, catchy, decorated with different fixings and details of the curtain.
Based on the style in which the entire room will be executed, it is worth choosing a border for the windows.
Varieties of curtains:
Classic - their distinctive feature is simplicity and sophistication.  The advantage is that they will harmoniously fit into almost any interior.Eastern is the complete opposite of the first option.   They are distinguished by the brightness of the print, the variety of details and the texture of fabrics.High-tech style - in their design, translucent, with a metallic sheen, cold shades of fabric are preferred.Eclectic style - most often suitable for lovers of little things, as well as for those who cannot decide on the style.  All bright, rich shades of fabrics will do.  In the kitchen, curtains in fresh tones, such as green or salad colors, will look good.Thanks to the market rich in a variety of goods, we have the opportunity to choose, while not hesitating to try and experiment with the color, material and style of home textiles.Home textiles wholesaleWholesale home textiles very often solve the problem of buying gifts for loved ones.  It would hardly be appropriate for an unfamiliar person to present such a sign of attention, but to the circle of the closest people - very much even.Plus, now there are a lot of proposals for decorating gifts.
For example, a set of bathroom towels can be presented in a hard package, an elaborate silk ribbon or an elegant bow.The option of wholesale textiles is actively practiced on the vastness of Internet sites.It is much easier for customers to go to the gallery of photos posted on social media.  networks, and order the necessary sketch of the goods, rather than travel to all points of the stores and choose the necessary material and cut of textiles.Although in the case when you do not trust the supplier and want to see with your own eyes that it is this quality and this cut that can join the ranks of your purchases, it is certainly better not to be lazy and spend time looking for the right material.Assortment of bed linen for home from shopsTo date, bed linen stores offer a wide range of assortments.  The modern market is able to satisfy even the most demanding and experienced buyer.Cotton is the undisputed leader among the variety of fabrics.  A lot can be said about its advantages, but we will highlight the following main parameters inherent in this particular type of fabric. So cotton is different:High thermal conductivity.  It perfectly absorbs moisture, while it is absolutely not suitable for warming, and therefore it is especially popular in the summer.  Its disadvantages are that it is necessary to wash this material only at a very high temperature, and in order to bring the product into its proper form, you need to try very hard.  The ironing process is very difficult, even if you use high temperature conditions.It is highly breathable, which allows the skin to breathe and not clog pores.It is pleasant to the touch, does not cause irritation and allergic reaction to the skin.  Ideal for lingerie, kidswear and sportswear.Easily painted in other colors.Sturdy enough.  It can withstand heating temperatures up to + 150C in a dry atmosphere.Along with artificial materials, the price of cotton products is slightly higher.  But it is bed linen, which contains cotton, that is most appreciated and popular with buyers.Sleep takes a very important place in the life of every person.  This is the time to recuperate and relax the whole body.Unfortunately, it happens that the conditions for recreation are unsuitable, for example, an uncomfortable room or furniture does not match your height or body position.All these criteria prevent a person from getting a good night's sleep, which means they cross out the whole next day.  It is important to choose the right bedding and pay special attention to the quality of the material.
Bedding is divided into:
Mattress - should be slightly larger than your height.  According to the degree of comfort, the mattress is selected individually, depending on personal preferences.  It can be hard, soft, or orthopedic.Pillow - comes in different sizes and degrees of rigidity.  If it has a large volume, then the neck, as a rule, is more difficult to relax, and therefore the head will always be in the wrong and uncomfortable position.  It follows from this that the selection of the product should begin with your features of body composition.The blanket is light or breathable and the heavy blanket is warm.  The advantage of the first is that it is in no way inferior in terms of the degree of warming to a heavy one, while it is easier to wash, and in terms of its relatively low weight, it clearly outperforms other types of bedspreads.Sheets - a mandatory criterion for their selection should be fabric material, mainly cotton.Thanks to the breathable properties of natural material, the human body is able to fully recover, even if the number of hours for taking sleep was not so many.Examples of home textiles at the exhibition. The Furniture exhibition is a place where you can get answers to pressing questions on a current topic.  Experienced specialists will help you make the right decision in the design of your living space, as well as introduce you to all the latest in home textiles.
Перевод статьи:Рахимова А.

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