Modern materials for furniture production

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODИнтерьер 15-сен-2020, 13:30 0 290
Modern furniture production is a rapidly developing industry that is particularly flexible and responds quickly to changing fashion trends in the market.Domestic and foreign industry annually produces a large number of new models of furniture for various purposes, trying to attract the maximum number of consumers.Considering that furniture belongs to durable goods, in order to win over its customers, companies use the most advanced materials and technologies in furniture production.Conditional classification of modern materials that are used in furniture production
Modern materials for furniture production can be roughly divided into two categories:basic.  This group is represented by materials that are used for the manufacture of frames and basic structural elements of all types of furniture products.  The main requirement for such materials is increased mechanical strength and long service life;additional.  This category includes materials that are most often used as decorative cladding.  They are almost never exposed to serious mechanical stress, and their main criterion is their visual appeal.A separate category includes fasteners and accessories for cabinet and upholstered furniture.  It performs several functions - connecting all structural elements, increasing the functionality and ergonomics of the product, and giving the furniture certain stylistic features.
What materials are used in the furniture industry?
The main materials used in the production of furniture are:solid wood.  Natural wood is a popular and demanded material.   The wood has natural energy and a unique appearance.  It is also a strong, reliable and environmentally friendly material.  Solid wood furniture is always luxury and spectacular appearance.  The only caveat is the high cost of the material, which makes wooden furniture quite an expensive pleasure;
chipboards.   Chipboard / Chipboard is the main alternative to wood and the most common material in the furniture industry.   It is made from compressed wood waste, which is mixed with formaldehyde resins.  The surface of the slab is laminated to improve the appearance of the material.  Among the variety of decors, imitation of various types of wood is most popular.   There are many advantages of chipboard - affordable price, ease of processing, mechanical strength and long service life.   One of the key disadvantages of the material is its poor moisture resistance.  With prolonged contact with water, the chipboard begins to deform (swell);MDF.  For the production of this material, wood waste, crushed to a minimum fraction, is used, which is mixed with organic or synthetic resins.  MDF blanks are made from the resulting mass.  The main advantage of the material is its high moisture resistance, therefore it is often used for the manufacture of facades of kitchen sets and bathroom furniture.
 Various materials used in the production of furniture allow us to make a product of almost any configuration and style.Some features of new materials for furniture production.The furniture industry is developing and improving dynamically.   Every year, new materials appear for the production of furniture, which are distinguished by a spectacular appearance and improved operational characteristics.One of the most striking examples is acrylic, a polymer that is widely used in furniture production.Acrylic is a colorless plastic that has unique properties:environmentally friendly - the only industrial polymer that decomposes in natural conditions; high mechanical strength;you can create almost any color using special dyes;perfectly smooth glossy surface.
 Acrylic has become widely used in the manufacture of facades of kitchen furniture and wardrobes.  It fits perfectly into modern interiors thanks to its wide range of colors and glossy surfaces.New technologies and materials in furniture production are a real indicator of the development of the industry.
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