Classic bedroom design

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODИнтерьер 12-сен-2020, 21:59 0 309

What is good about the classic style? It never depends on changing fashion. The harmony and beauty of the classics is always constant and is most suitable for people who are calm and reserved. The classic style living room and bedroom are always distinguished by the correctness of the lines, spreading comfort and warmth. 

Classic style bedrooms. Much attention should be paid to this business when buying furniture. It is better to find such pedigree groups as cherries, walnuts, Karelian birch. Fashion for classics is always preserved, and many companies use antique designs to make furniture. Such furniture always looks stylish in the bedroom, for example, in a fairy-tale palace.Especially if you place lamps in the form of antique lamps or other beautiful decorative elements.

A small bedroom in a classic style is often decorated with a glass surface that can visually enhance the space of the room. Chandeliers made of crystal or clear stone enhance this effect. You also need to know that it is unpleasant to have excess items in a small room. Minimalism is good here. Use only the most functional furniture. Mirrors mounted on the head also create the illusion of a large space. The windows are decorated with light air curtains.

The design of bedrooms in a classic style should be saturated with pastel colors - it is better to prefer beige, cream or light brown. Drapery is often made of natural fabrics - cotton, brocade or silk. They go well with natural wood, adding features of the noble world to the appearance of the room. The center of the song composition is the bed. It is recommended to choose models with a smooth shape, elegant painting and twisted legs. In the classic version, a beautiful roof of expensive fabrics is allowed. The modern classic-style bedroom, with the help of a simple air line, becomes the home of a fairy-tale princess. Decorating the walls in such a room can be decorative plaster or ceramic, perfectly beautiful wallpaper. The ceiling should be decorated with plaster or fresco. Natural floor or marble parquet is close to the plate.

Classic white style bedroom. The white color adapts to the interior in any style, adding a sense of spaciousness and freshness. But you don't have to create all the colors in one color.Monochrome looks unnecessarily boring and cold. If you make white walls and furniture, the floor should be painted black. You should also choose textiles in warm colors. If you are whitewashing the floor, the walls should look a little different. Even white can have its own shades - blue, orange, gray, pink. It is necessary to choose cool shades for decoration in a room that is very bright and constantly exposed to sunlight. Otherwise, the warm colors - cream, apricot, beige.


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