Stucco in the interior

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODИнтерьер 08-сен-2020, 11:58 0 293

The content of the article:

1. Back in fashion

2. Not only plaster

3. The Main thing is a sense of proportion

Stucco as a method of interior decoration that has been used for many centuries. It was especially popular in Ancient Greece and Rome. Stucco decoration began to be used again in the Renaissance. These days, this trend is actively developing, presenting a wide scope for the imagination of designers.

Back in fashion

Some people believe that the use of stucco in modern interiors is limited. Their opinion is formed under the influence of existing stereotypes that such decor should be exclusively white, and its cost is excessively high. This common misconception does not correspond to reality at all.

Now you can create a luxury design even in a standard apartment, and this does not always require large costs. Cornices, moldings, panels, bas-reliefs, borders, columns, fireplace portals, statues and other types of ceiling and wall decoration will turn an ordinary home into a real Palace.

 Not only the plaster

In ancient times, creating stucco decoration was an expensive and time-consuming process. Therefore, only noble and rich people could afford such delights.

Nowadays, not only traditional plaster is used for the production of stucco. Foam and polyurethane are widely used. The use of these materials for creating stucco decoration allowed not only to diversify the forms and sizes of decoration, but also to make it affordable for ordinary citizens. Each of the options has its pros and cons.

Gypsum is a classic option. The decorative elements made of it look really chic. They are made by hand, so the decor looks "alive", individual and durable. Polyurethane. Strong, durable, durable, resistant to aggressive environments and temperature changes material. Unlike gypsum, it is not afraid of moisture, so decorative elements made of polyurethane can be used to decorate rooms with high humidity levels – swimming pools, baths, bathrooms. In addition, this material has a good texture, so the appearance of such an ornament is almost identical to that of plaster. It can be painted with any paint. Currently, when designing interiors, polyurethane is most often preferred.

Styrofoam is the most affordable option. It is characterized by lightness, plasticity, flexibility, resistance to moisture, and ease of installation. Can be used in any room. Among the main disadvantages are fragility and short-lived.

The main thing is a sense of proportion

The main advantage of stucco decoration is its variety and wide range of uses. A variety of decorative elements with floral or geometric patterns will be the highlight of the interior in any style - from classic to modern. However, it should be remembered that a massive, chic ornament will look great in spacious rooms with high ceilings. If we are talking about a standard apartment, then in case of excessive enthusiasm for decorative delights, it will seem "heavy", "oppressive". The smaller the room, the more limited the number of finishes should be. At the same time, you should give preference to simpler and less massive elements.

ПеревелНурбаев А.

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