Piano, Rossi, "Arkigram": 8 archives of famous architects.

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODИнтерьер 17-июн-2020, 15:29 0 336
We publish another material for in-depth self-education: a selection of large architectural archives.
The archive of one of the most famous experimental groups of the XX century was created by the University of Westminster. The research group digitized and posted more than 200 Akrigram projects on a separate website, providing each image with a meaningful text description.
Konstantin Melnikov
Portal of the Moscow Library.Nekrasov "Electronegative" made a selection of magazines 20-30 years with articles about the project of Konstantin Melnikov. These are mainly issues of "Construction of Moscow". It also includes books by Nicholas Lukhmanova "Architecture club" and Moses Ginzburg, "Style and era. Problems of modern architecture".
Aldo Rossi
The archive of the Canadian center for architecture (CCA) consists of 214 images, among which Rossi's artistic graphics and drawings deserve special attention. For ease of use, the work can be sorted by folder-to do this, click on the ‘Add to folder’ label in the lower right corner under the work.
Antonio Gaudi
For this archive, we used materials from the collections of the Barcelona school of architecture and the Gaudi Department, which aims to spread the architect's legacy. The collection includes eight sections with digitized projects of both Gaudi and his colleagues and students.
Renzo Piano
The Renzo piano Foundation (FondazioneRenzoPiano) has collected detailed information about the architect's projects from 1970 to 2016, they can be viewed in a list or on a map. To view drawings, photos from construction sites, and other graphic materials, click on a specific object and download a PDF file.
Marcel Breuer
Digital archive of Marcel Breuer with alphabetically distributed projects. Clicking on the 'Browse' link opens blocks with search filters: you can use it to find a project by typology, type of graphics, location, and other categories.
Mies van der Rohe
The section dedicated to Mies van der Rohe on the MOMA website has over 1,800 digitized images since 1910. These include early high-rise projects-the Friedrichstrasse Skyscraper Project of 1921 and the Glass Skyscraper of 1922.
Frank Lloyd Wright
Hundreds of visual materials, including many historical photos: here are group family portraits, and images of objects in the years of construction.
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