‘Domestic’ furniture " ArtEli "(support for domestic furniture)

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODИнтерьер 22-май-2020, 18:54 0 331

Recently, the director of the workshop "ArtELI" Elzat Mukashev contacted the editorial office of the newspaper "Qazaq". We were amazed to get acquainted with the work of the workshop, which creates the interior design of a private house in the national style. After all, if the interior of your house is decorated in a national style, keeping the modern style, and your ornate furniture smells of the nation, it first of all shows the great feeling of respect for the nation, respect, patriotism and Kazakh appearance. Therefore, the initiative of the workshop "ArtELI" can not be ignored.   ArtELI was founded in August 2012 by Elzat Мukashev and Elmira Kondybayeva. Until now, the workshop "ArtELI" works in the field of modern interior design. The word ArtELI means "folk art", art - art ( English ) , eli - people “The main reason for such an initiative, that is, to create the interior design of a private house in the national style, was to introduce the Kazakh model to the world. In my opinion, the field of interior design is underdeveloped in Kazakhstan. Many of our citizens do not appreciate the national pattern, and use a lot of fashionable designs abroad. That's why we want to show the Kazakh-style interior design in a new image, using modern building materials, "said Elzat Mukashev."Creative modern and Kazakh designers, construction crews of plasterboard patterns, masters of furniture in the national style, that is, we all came together in this field," said Elzat Mukashev, noting that his team is highly qualified and experienced. He noted the names of talented designers who mastered the pattern.Employees of the workshop "ArtELI" do not intend to create the interior of the house in the national style, but only to combine elements of modern style in the Kazakh style.

“Kazakh style interior design is different from other design models and requires a new approach. This is because the mechanism for creating other designs is long overdue, and our design requires a different process. That's why our team, in addition to architects and designers, has an experienced construction team and furniture makers, ”said the architect, who honored the national values and presented us with some works of the workshop. We present it to the readers of "Qazaq" newspaper.

Yes, the interior design of the house in the Kazakh style is eye-catching. Each piece of furniture is decorated with national ornaments. There is a smell of Kazakhness.These elements reflect the Kazakh spirit in modern homes.

ПЕРЕВЕДЕНО:Абдирахман Лаурой 

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