uslan Dalenov spoke about additional measures to help business

ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODБизнес 06-окт-2020, 10:16 0 324
 The work of the Ministry of National Economy will be carried out in 5 directions

   Minister of National Economy Ruslan Dalenov spoke about measures to implement the President's annual message to the people of the country. The work of the ministry will be carried out in 5 main directions: development of entrepreneurship, improvement of fiscal policy, stimulation of investments, balanced regional development and public administration, the business information center reports.
   “First. Entrepreneurship development. To provide additional assistance to small and medium-sized businesses in the sectors of the economy most affected by the crisis, interest rates on existing loans to SMEs will be subsidized to increase to 6% per annum. The subsidy will cover a period of 12 months from the moment of the announcement of the state of emergency. This measure will be implemented under the state program "Business Road Map - 2025", - he said. 
   A set of measures will also be taken to further improve the business climate. These include the automation of the risk management system, revision of all regulatory requirements and the development of proposals for their reduction.
   “Measures will be taken to introduce the institution of regulatory appeal by making appropriate changes to the Entrepreneurial Code. The implementation of financial and non-financial state support measures will continue. In general, this will contribute to the achievement of the tasks set to increase the share of SMEs in GDP to 35% and the number of people employed in SMEs to 4 million people by 2025, ”he said.

   The Minister also spoke about improving the fiscal policy. Today, the Tax Code provides for 12 types of taxes, 48 subtypes of taxes, 10 fees and 6 fees.
   “Accordingly, work will be carried out to minimize the number of taxes and payments. The issue of applying the right to pay retail turnover tax on an alternative basis for the most affected sectors of the economy will be studied, as well as the possibilities of differentiating tax rates will be explored. A set of key budget ratios will be developed. An assessment of the effectiveness and sustainability of budget policy will be introduced, ”he said.
   As part of the implementation of the "extended budget", the Comprehensive Assessment of Public Finance will be introduced by including extra-budgetary funds in the consolidated budget.
   To ensure the stability of legal conditions for the entire period of implementation of investment projects, Strategic Investment Agreements will be introduced. For this, amendments will be envisaged in the Entrepreneurial and Tax Codes, as well as in the law on Special Economic Zones.
   “A pool of strategic investment projects will be formed. All projects will be considered by the Coordination Council for attracting investments. To improve the efficiency of project implementation, it is planned to provide an individual approach to each major investor. In addition, in the process of implementing investment projects, the potential of the AIFC will be actively used, which provides modern infrastructure, English law and preferential tax and migration regimes, "Ruslan Dalenov emphasized.
   The above measures will make it possible to bring the volume of investment in fixed assets to 30% of GDP and increase the gross inflow of foreign direct investment by 2025. In addition, new approaches to the regional development of the country will be developed, including measures to reveal the competitive advantages of each specific region. For this, appropriate changes will be made to the Forecast Scheme of Spatial Development until 2030. The active implementation of the "Auyl el besigі" project, which is aimed at solving urgent infrastructure issues in the villages, will continue.
  “Within the framework of improving local self-government, the financial capabilities of the budgets of rural districts will be expanded (transfer of 4 types of taxes and payments). A new Concept for the development of local self-government will be developed. Within the framework of this Concept, proposals will be developed on the introduction of direct elections of rural akims, expanding the property rights of local government and the powers of maslikhats, ”the minister said.
   He added that until the end of the year, the charging of rent for small and medium-sized businesses on real estate properties owned by the state and the quasi-public sector will be suspended
   “For further denationalization of the economy, a new privatization plan will be adopted until 2025,” he concluded.

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