ЖУРНАЛ EXPOMODБизнес 16-сен-2020, 09:48 0 279
 Nobody wants to work in the real sector of the economy, neither profitable nor prestigious. According to the so-called "golden" youth, small and medium-sized businesses are outsiders and losers. Only public service is a salvation for national youth. This is the prestige. The first is work in supervisory authorities. The financial sector and national companies are closer to money, away from responsibility. The second is work in the public service. Possession of supervisory and permissive powers or fiscal functions. This is where the real priorities of Kazakhstan are. Where young people see themselves, there will be a country. And young people in the real sector do not see themselves, despite all the persuasion and all the advertising that the government carries out. During the existence of independent Kazakhstan, many reforms have been carried out, and there are many good things. Nevertheless, doing business here is extremely difficult.
- The program of industrial and innovative development will help improve the economic situation in the country?
- The program of forced industrial and innovative development is, in essence, the creation of a second parallel economy with budget money. Well, let's see what happens. It’s like a gypsy: “Will we wash these children or make new ones?”. So, if you try to make new ones on budget money, then again the question arises: will it be private enterprises or state-owned? If they are public, then how will they compete with the private sector? And how will the owners of these enterprises be appointed? Or how will they give, sell or transfer ready-made enterprises for stolen legalized money ?! There are many questions. Well, that's why the market itself has not created these enterprises over the years - to build airplanes, helicopters, and anything else. Why by all means budget money ?!
By the way, very successfully everyone forgot about ambitious projects - 2030. And before that, there were many programs in the country. How much money was secured is unknown. And now it’s not necessary. And who will answer? Where did the money come from? Just the money for it pulled out of the real sector. It turns out, destroying the existing, trying to create new ones. It is necessary to restore full order in the public sector and exclude budgetary theft, home registry and the implementation of mediocre projects.
Anonymous opinion: our taxes - so that business does not go into politics
According to another expert who wished to remain anonymous, the tax system of Kazakhstan was created so complex for certain purposes:
Creating the maximum number of conditions for tax evasion. Because paying taxes is unprofitable, fraught with complete ruin. As a joke: pay taxes ... and sleep on a bench;
So that anyone could be taken to court;
To be able to raider capture. Most of them start with tax or financial audits.
A cunning scheme to pacify businessmen is used in cases where:
  The entrepreneur begins to engage in politics;
  Funds democratic institutions and public organizations;
  He openly expresses his point of view, which is different from "party politics."
However, the highest form of business is politics. And this is quite logical. The more a person engages in economics, the more he realizes that he needs to maintain his capital. And this can be done either by financing political structures, or by participating in politics. But the state does not need taxes - it needs control. These are different things. For something to change, you need to reposition the system. Stop controlling a business - how it spends its money, what it spends on it, but simply collect taxes and change taxation practices. Simplify it as much as possible.
One argument against
It seems that criticizing our taxes is endless. One “but” - according to official and completely non-Kazakhstan statistics, our country is in the top 20 of the “simplest and most convenient tax systems” in the world.


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